Family Life Cycle Flashcards
Occurs as 1 family member moves through different stages over a period of time
set of predictable steps or patterns and developmental tasks families undergo within a given time frame
Family life cycle
Time period in the life of a family that has a unique structure
Family stage
Shift from one family stage to another
Evelyn Duvall’s 1957 model with a “distinctive role complex”
9-stage cycle
1999 model by Carter and McGoldrick involving Family of Origin
8-stage cycle
Most widely used family cycle by Lauer and Goldberg
6-stage cycle
Shortest model developed by various authors
5-stage cycle
Stage 1
Leaving home:
Emotional process in Stage 1
Accepting financial and emotional responsibility for oneself
Changes in Family Status to proceed developmentally involves:
- Differentiation of self in relation to family of origin
- Development of intimate peer relationships
- Establishment of self in relationship to work and financial independence
Stage 1: Unattached young adult
Stage 2
The joining of families through marriage:
Emo process in St. 2
Commitment to the new system
Changes in Family Status to proceed developmentally involves:
- Formation of the marital system
- Realignment of relationships with extended families and friends to include the spouse
Stage 2: New couple
Stage 3
Becoming parents and families with children
Emotional process in St. 3
Accepting new members into the system
Changes in Family Status to proceed developmentally involves:
- Adjusting the marital system to make space for children
- Joining in child-rearing and financial and household tasks
- Realignment of relationships with the extended family to include parenting and grandparenting roles
Stage 3: becoming parents & families with children
Stage 4
The family with adolescents
Emotional process in St. 4
Increasing flexibility of family boundaries
to include children’s independence and grandparents’ frailties
Changes in Family Status to proceed developmentally involves:
- Shifting of parent-child relationships to permit adolescents to move in and out of system
- Focus on midlife marital and career issues
Stage 4: Family w/ Adolescents
Stage 5
Launching family
Emotional process in St. 5
Accepting a multitude of exits from and entries into the system
Changes in Family Status to proceed developmentally involves:
- Beginning shift toward joint caring for the older generation
- Renegotiation of marital status as a dyad
- Development of adult-to-adult relationships between grown-up offspring and their parents
- Realignment of relationships to include in-laws and grandchildren
- Dealing with the disabilities and death of grandparents
Stage 5: Launching Family
Stage 6
The family in later life
Emotional process in St. 6
Accepting the shifting generational roles
Changes in Family Status to proceed developmentally involves:
- Maintaining own and/ or couple functioning and interests in the face of physiological decline
- Support for a more central role of middle generation
- Making room in the system for the wisdom and experience of the elderly and supporting the older generation
- Dealing with the loss of spouse, siblings, and peers; preparation for one’s own death
- Life review and integration
Stage 6: Accepting the shifting generational roles