Family intervention reading Flashcards
What did Bill Gates quote about technology in 2005?
Training the workforce of tomorrow with the high schools of today, is like trying to teach kids about todays compuetors on a 50 year old mainframe. Its the wrong tool for the times/
Why are the challenges imposed by the rate of technological change on society significant?
Because the skills and the knowledge imparted by normal education are no longer seen as adequate preparation for success in life.
What is the assumption that many are making about what tecnology might have to offer?
The assumption is that digital games are well suited to improve instruction and differentiate learning while also providing less intrusive and more effective measurements than traditional assesments have to offer.
What was Salen and Zimmermans 2004 definition of digital games?
’ a system in which players engage in artifical conflict, defined by rules, that result in a quantifiable outcome’
Do virtual worlds class as a digital game?
No because there isnt a quantifiable outcome
what sort of gaming counts as ‘digital’ gaming?
simulations, augmented reality and traditional video games
What will the next generation of jobs be characterised by?
increased technology use, extensive problem solving and complex communication
What skills which are sought by employers can be found in video games?
Thinking, planning, learning and technical skills, all sought after by employers
do the use of game like mechanisms applied to traditional teaching yo increase motuvation or engagement or the use of games as an extrinsic reward system to increase motivation, count as a digital game?
what percentage of teens play video games?
97% of US teens playing some type of digital game on a regular basis
Why can digital games be an integral part of learning?
Because digital games can provide an opportunity for play through simulated environments, these games are not necessarily a distraction from learning, but rather can be an integral part of learning and intellectual development (Ke, 2009)
Why can students improve when using video games?
Because they are given constant feedback, and this gives them the change to improve
The OECD report suggests personalized learning in schools through five processes, these are:
(1) knowing the strengths and weaknesses of students,
(2) developing teaching and learning strategies based on student needs,
(3) engaging curriculum choices,
(4) supportive school organization, and
(5) community, local institution, and social service support.
What does agency refer to?
Agency refers to the learner’s ability to interact with the material and feelings of belongingness and socio-emotional support in the situation
What sort of effective feedback do digital games provide?
(1) clear and unobtrusive, and
(2) immediately responsive to the player’s actions”
The feedback also helps reinforce motivation (Jones & Issroff, 2005). Students are able to adapt to the feedback, and the game continues to adapt to the student.
Why is debriefing critical in educational games?
it provides the connection between learning in the game and applying those skills to other contexts.
How can games support student achievment?
Games support many of the components of flow such as clear goals, direct and immediate feedback, balance between ability level and challenge, and sense of control.
What can cause students to be more intrinsically motivated?
if the goals of the game and the learning outcomes are closely tied together, students tend to be more intrinsically motivated, and the rewards are in solving the game challenges and learning.
What did Dickey 2005 argue, makes a game or task motivating?
clear goals and tasks, reinforcing feedback, and increasing challenge