Family and culture Flashcards
What are some major historical changes that took place in the US during the early 1900’s?
Prior to 1930’s
Most US births occurred at home
50% or more were attended by a midwife
Physician were called mainly for emergencies
Birth moved into the hospital and was attended by physicians
How did this change the way OB care looked?
Birth decisions are made by physicians instead of the mothers
Women had to be flat on their backs with their legs held high, strapped into the stirrups,
Most women were unconscious during birth
As births moved into the hospital….
a) What changes occurred in
b) Woman’s ability to control her birth?
c) Family Involvement?
d) Maternal/Mortality?
e) Current Trends?
a) More interventions 介入
b) Less control
c) Limited Involvement
d) Dec initially due to the ability to operate
But now Increasing as compared to other countries
e) Inc c-sections rate
Pre-term deliveries
Obstetrical Care 産科ケア
Recent Changes in Obstetrical Care
Parents have active role, share decision making
Healthcare providers are advisors to help families make informed decisions
Minimal separation of infant/family
US births by C-section
US births by C-section
1965: 4.5%
2016: 31.9% (CDC)
2017: 32% (CDC)
2018: 31.9% (CDC)
Texas 2018: 35% (CDC)
WHO: optimal rate 最適
A young black new mom died of postmortem hemorrhage
because health care worker thought she had drug so
she couldn’t even see a doctor
What is the role of the nurse?
Recognize the various types of racism,
Be aware of you own biases and how these biases affect the care you provide
Seek to ensure that women from varied backgrounds, races, and ethnicities receive quality health care that is free from racism and bias
Free from racism and bias
What is family?
Two or more individuals who are joined together by marriage, birth, or adoption and live together in the same household.
Basic structural unit for socialization, for adaptation, and growth & development
Characteristics of a Healthy Family
Open communication
Flexible roles
Are able to meet physical and emotional needs of its members
Adapt to change/Able to cope
Have social support/ Able to request help when needed
Characteristics of a High-Risk Family
Difficulty coping with unanticipated stress
Headed by a single teenage parent
Lack of social support
Lifestyle issues:
Alcohol/Substance abuse
Nurse must refer to specialized services for help
Culture note
Not all individuals abide by their cultural roots, so do not assume stereotypical behaviors based on culture.
Belief that one’s own cultural values and patterns of behavior are superior
What should the nurse do?
The woman refuses to remove her string bracelet prior to the cesarean delivery
The woman requests an epidural – but refuses to allow the male anesthesiologist to insert it
Let her wear!!
Find a female anesthesiologist!!!
What should the nurse do?
The postpartum woman refuses to drink ice water and asks for hot water or hot tea instead
The postpartum woman allows her family to perform all newborn care
Give her hot water!!!
Let her family take care of the baby!!!
Learning & retention
Most optimal with?
Physical & mental readiness
Relevance of content
Role modeling/demonstration
Active participation
Praise & positive feedback
Simple to complex
Small units over time
Variety of teaching methods
Building on previous knowledge & experience
Learning & retention
Most optimal with?
Physical & mental readiness 心構え
Role modeling/demonstration
Active participation
Praise & positive feedback
Simple to complex
What are some aspects of language to consider?
Written instructions must be provided in primary language as well
Use appropriate reading level for population
Among US adults 20% read at a 6th grade level or below.
Just because client speaks a certain language doesn’t mean they can read in that language
What is the role of family in childbearing practices?
Primary source for beliefs about health, health behaviors, and illness
Adjustment to changing
Roles and a new family member
Handing down cultural
norms and traditions
between generations