ATI #1 Flashcards
The pad saturated 12cm with bright red and small clots.
Which one is this?
Moderate lochia rubra
Varicella vaccine
a) contraception for how long?
b) How many time to need to have shots?
a) one month
b) 2 doses
Prevention DVT
Elevate both legs when sitting
Avoid cross legs
Maintain fluid
Inversion of the uterus
What is the first indicator of hypovolemia?
Increasing pule and decreasing BP
Mastitis Ture or false
Nurse the infant only on the unaffected breast until resolved
Continuing breastfeeding, ESPECIALLY on the affected side
Mastitis Ture or false
Wear a tight-fitting bra until lactation has caused
Should wear well-fitting bra, but not tight fit
Is epidural anesthesia a risk of UTI?
Normal range of Hgb and glucose
of newborn
Heg: 14 to 24
Glucose; greater than 40 to 45
baby’s weight is between the 10th and 90th percentile, what age?
Appropriate for gestational age
baby’s weight is less than the 10th percentile, what age?
Small for gestational age
baby’s weight is grater than 90th percentile, what age?
Large for gestational age
Pregnant term
37 weeks to 42 weeks?
Pregnant term
Preterm or premature?
Born prior to 37 weeks
Pregnant term
Post-term or postmature?
Born after 42 weeks
Which is the indicates adapting to extrauterine life?
Ture or false?
Apnea for 10 seconds periods indicates adapting to extrauterine life?
apnea less than 15 seconds are an expecting finds
Ture or false?
Expiratory grunting indicates adapting to extrauterine life?
Respiratory distress
Ture or false?
Obligatory nose breathing indicates adapting to extrauterine life?
Ture or false?
Mongolian spots are commonly found in darker skin
NB was not dried completely after birth. This is type of what heat loss?
NB is contacted directly on the cool surface.
How to prevent it?
Place pad on the scale before weighting
Place the bassinet out of the direct line of a fan or air
NB is nearby window etc, something not direct contact
Caring HIV baby
what to consider?
wear gloves after birth
baby should be bathed after birth before remaining mom
DO not do to
a) HIV mom
b) HIV baby
a) amniocentesis and episiotomy
b) internal fetal monitor
forceps deliver
administer injection should not give before take bath
What is HELLP syndrome?
H: hemolysis cause anemia, jaundice
EL: elevate liver enzyme
LP: low platelets
less than 100,000
a) at room temp
b) refrigerated
a) up to 8 hr
b) up to 8 days
a) freezer
b) deep freezer
a) up to 6 months
b) up to 12 months
no thawing by microwave
no refreeze thawing milk
Braxton Hicks Contraction
Starting from 2nd trimester
tightness in abdomen
hypnosis is?
cognitive strategy
nonpharmacological pain management
ADRs of clomiphene citrate?
For infertility
increase the risk of multiple birth
NB temp
should be 36.5 to 37.5
37 is average
asses axillary temp every hour till stable
should during skin-skin or under warmer
Late deceleration of FHR
what we are gonna do to mom?
Position side
administer O2 10L
IV catheter
elevate mom’s legs
Forceps assisted birth
baby complications
facial nerve palsy しびれ
facial bruising
subdural hematoma 血腫
Necrotizing enterocolitis
inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal mucosa d/t ischemia
( stop blood flow)
It results in necrosis and make hole in the bowel
Necrotizing enterocolitis
stop feeding/ or tube ( need rest bowel)
administer IV
nasogastric tube to suction gas and fluid
Educate homecare
preeclampsia management
bed rest side lying
perform diversional activities
avoid food that high sodium
limit caffeine
Drink 2L
bulb syringe
compress bulb and into SIDE of mouth
then nose
After epidural
nursing acrion
Putting side rails up for prevent risk for injury
Auscultate FHR
not ultrasound
Newborn hypothermia can
cause? mental and physical
bradycardia and irritability
Mottling indicates?
hypothermia or respiratory distress
risk for seizures so what to do?
Keep side rails of bed up