Family Flashcards
Tell me about the definition of a Family
There are many different definitions and they can change over time.
US census official family
Group or two more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption who reside together
United Nations official family
Basic unit of society w members of a household who are related, to specific degree, through blood, adoption, or marriage
Does everyone agree with the US and UN definition?
What definition of family does this support?
No. Many don’t have legal bounds to be a family but still consider themselves one.
Kaakinen family
What is the defintion of a Kaakinen family?
Two or more people who depend on each other for emotional, physical, and economical support
- self defined
Are all families alike?
No. Each is unique.
How do families work as a small social system?
They interact and depend on one another.
Do all families have the same culture?
No. Every families cultures are different.
What needs are families supposed to meet?
Basic needs and functionings
How can structure vary between families?
One family could be very strict while the other lets children do whatever.
What is the purpose of the family for society?
- Procreation
- Socialization of children
- Status and roles are established
- Kinship network
If there’s a family dysfunction how man are affected by it
All family members
- so we need to focus on the unit as a whole too
How can dysfunction affect socialization?
If the family dysfunction is stopping a parent from socializing the kid appropriately, the child may be socially handicapped going into society.
Could also be lacking in basic needs such as food, water, shelter, etc and this can affect their social life
How can you tell a family is adaptive?
They are able to move towards the small goals you set for them (large goals are not good).
Family culture
When working with a family, why should we understand the culture
System of ideas, attitudes, and beliefs. Often unconscious but can be conscious.
So that we don’t accidentally impede on it.
You can only ever clarify information but don’t force change.
Variables that affect culture
Socioeconomic status
Ethnicity and acculturation
Geographic location
Generational differences
Explain ethnicity and acculutartion
Younger people accept the new culture more than the older ones.
Explain generational differences
Even within the same culture, there are differences in the culture itself.
ex: todays american music being trash
Explain geographical location
Different parts of the country have their own beliefs.
It could eve be just urban vs rural.
Nuclear dyad
Two people who choose to begin a household
- newly weds
Nuclear family
When those two people decide to have kids.
Extended family
aunts, uncles, cousins, gparents
Single parent family
one parent
Blended family
Mix of two separate families
Like step family
Foster family
When child enters another family to be taken care of
Same sex parent family
Just know these are occurring more and more
What should the family provide for one another
affection, security, acceptance
companionship, socialization
control - regulatory pieces or rules for life
What do beginning families need to do?
Why do we want these needs be met before childbearing?
Establish mutually satisfying relationships by establishing ..
tasks, finance, how needs are met
We want them to be met before childbearing so that the foundation is strong
What is needed and expected with the preschool age?
Learn to cope with high energy needs and decreased privacy. A child will want to explore and so you want to meet their needs for that.
What is needed for school aged children development?
Make sure they are given opportunities to learn and acquire knowledge.
What developmental needs do teens need?
Need to be able to balance independence but have boundaries for safety needs
What is launching center?
When you let children go out into adulthood but still need a home base
Adults may not be able to handle their child leaving and growing.
Parents having identity crisis and wondering who they’re together as well because they’ve been so focused on kids.
Middle year developmental tasks
Rebuilding relationships with kin of older and younger generations
Aging family developmental tasks?
Adjusting to retirement
Coping with boredom and dying.
What do healthy families do for one another?
Interactive, supportive, allows for individualism, able to resolve issues (since all relationships that are interactive have conflicts)
Assessment tools for families?
Genogram to find out relationships between them
- not just health
- their interactions, characteristics, patterns, roles
Eco Map
- looks to see the outside influences/systems of the family
What are some things to keep in mind when working with families?
Work with family as a whole & start where they’re at.
Recognize the family structure and strengths.
Adapt the interventions to the family.
What types of questions should the nurse ask the family?
Goal orientated
- do conflicts get resolved? Do family members accept each other?
How should data be collected for family assessment?
What needs to be developed?
Over time
Develop trust and comfort
Should nurses take assessment data with qualitative or quantitative data?
What judgment does family assessment require?
Professional judgement
When diagnosing families, should the family have in put?
Yes. And determine the agreement and open communication up
How should evaluation be looked at?
Reflective as in look back at what went well and how you could’ve done thing differently
When doing evaluation and the structure process, what do you ask?
How assessment went and does anything need to be changed for next visit.
What should you ask for outcome evaluation?
Did you make progress towards the expected outcome?
Were the goals appropriate?
What should we emphasize with working with families?
Emphasize the family’s strengths
How should interventions be picked out for the family?
Family stage’s of development should decide the intervention