Family Flashcards
What’s your relationship to her
Que relacion tiene con ella?
Compañero de cuarto
Her brother is older than she is
Su hermano es mayor que ella
Tell me about your family
Cuenteme sobre su familia
Help from a family member
Ayuda de un familiar
An alarm
Una alarma
Relative (2 words)
Pariente, familiar
Family member
Miembro de la familia
Great grandmother/great grandson
First cousin
Primo hermano
Cousin, grandson, nephew, father-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law
Primo, nieto, sobrino, suegro, yerno, cuñado
Compañero de cuarto
“God”relatives: Godmother, godfather, close female friend, close male friend, godson, goddaughter
Madrino, padrino, comadre, compadre, ahijado, ahijada
What/s the relationship between the two of you? Are you a family member of her?
Que relacion hay entre ustedes? Es familiar de ella?
Tell me about your family
Cuenteme sobre su familia
Are there any illnesses that occur frequently in your family
Hay algunas enfermadades que occuren con frecuencia en su familia?
What is your family medical history?
Que antecedentes medicos familiares tiene? (Coursera)