Family Flashcards
what was Murdock’s view on the family?
functionalism- there are four functions of the family:
* sexual
* reproductive
* educational/ socialisation
* economic
what did parsons say about the family?
functionalism- there are actually 2 functions of the family
* primary socialisation
* stabilisation of adult personality
what was parsons theory about family?
the warm bath theory
* family life stabilises adult personalities
* emotional support/ security in family reduces stress from work etc.
* this strengthens social stability
what are 3 criticisms of functionalist views on family?
- they put a happy picture on society and ignore conflict such as child abuse or violence
- functional relationships/ families can easily slip into dysfunctional relationships/ families
- based on white middle class american families- not considered how different cultures/ classes/ ethnicities can influence family structure
how does the family support capitalism (4 ways)
- recreates social class through inheritance
- consumer unit
- educational advantages are passed down (money to go to private school)
- working class learn to accept inferior position in capitalist society because these capitalist values/ culture are reinforced through the family
what is Zaretsky’s view on the family
marxism- family helps capitalism to continue and only socialism can end seperation of family and public life to fuflfil needs
* cushioning effect/ comforting device- comfort from the hardships of society but he believes that the family allows a man to feel in control and powerful which they don’t feel in the workplace due to bourgeoisie oppression
* economic function
* reproduces social class
* teaches children to become passive and respectful to authority to make them easier to control when older
what are 3 criticisms of the marxist approach to families?
- children may resist the process in primary socialisation
- many are satisfied with family life and see it as a goal
- feminists argue marxists focud on the male as breadwinner, ignoring family diversity
who thought there were four funtions of the family?
who thought there were two functions of the family?
who came up with the warm bath theory?
who thought that family helped capitalism continue?
how does family reinforce the patriarchy? (2 ways and an example)
- gender roles reinforce patriarchy as the roles are designed to benefit men at the expense of women
- primary socialisation- patriarchal ideology’s prescribed attitudes toward the categories of role, temperament, and status
- for example, the normalised obedience of wife to husband
what are Delphy & Leonard’s views on the family?
feminist (radical)- women exploited by doing unpaid housework which isn’t recognised and men benefit most from this
* hierarchy- husband provides but also controls woman for her unpayed housework even if she goes to work full time
* women are often financially dependent on the husband so even though they work hard they are lower in the family hierarchy
* therefore the family is patriarchal and helps patriarchy continue
who believed that the family exploits women and supports the patriarchy?
delphy & leonard
6 criticisms on the feminist view on families
- they are critical
- delphy and leonard are radical and don’t consider other factors
- there have been improvements
- some feminists ignore same-sex relationships/ diverse family types
- some women enjoy being housewives/ raising kids
- ignores equal households and stay at home dads
what are murray’s views on the family?
new right- there is a group of individuals in a society considered the underclass created by single parenthood
* this group comprises people take advantage of the welfare system, remain unemployed, commit crimes, and socialise their children to continue the same lifestyle