Family 1 Flashcards
What are the different dimensions of parenting?
Expressed affection
parent child conflict
teaching - diff ideas about whether it is left to school to teach
security - need a secure base for attachment to occur
Diana Baumrind
Assessed four dimensions of parenting on 134 pre school children and mothers, middle class, white families: control nurturance clarity of communication maturity demands these create 4 distinct parenting styles
Baumrind’s parenting styles model
High responsiveness and high demanding less - authoritative
high responsiveness and low demandingness - permissive
low responsiveness and high demandigness - authoritarian
low responsiveness and low demandingness - neglectful
What is the authoritarian parenting style?
High on control and demandingness
Expect orders to be obeyed without explanation
Low on nurturance and responsiveness - rarely praise child’s achievments
What is the permissive parenting style?
High on love and affection, but exercise limited control and place few demands on children
What is the authoritative parenting style?
High levels of warmth and achievement demands
Firm, but non-punitive control, open communication between parent and child
What is the neglect parenting style?
Not responsive or demanding
actively rejecting or neglect child care responsiblities
What are children like who have authoritarian parents?
low levels of independence and social responsibility
What are children like who have permissive parents?
lack impulse control and self reliance
lacking in social responsibility and independence
What are children like who have authoritative parents?
most competent
self relient
socially responsible
keen to achieve, cooperative
What are children like who have neglectful parents?
Most harmful
low levels of cognitive and social competence
Parenting style on adolescent school performance - Dornbusch et al
Data collected from 7,836 adolescents in san Fransisco
Questionnaires of authoritarian, permissive and authoritative parenting
Results: children of purely authoritative had the highest grades, lowest grades for parents who were authoritarian and permissive
Example of authoritarian parenting
Parents tell youth not to argue with adults, parents are correct and shouldn’t be questioned
Example of permissive parenting
Hard work in school is not important to parents, there are no rules concerning watching tv
Example of authoritative parenting
Emphasize that everyone should help with decisions in the family, parents tell youth to look at both sides of issues
Are there child to parent effects - do children elicit different types of parenting?
Some of this is appropriate, responsive parenting - adapting to different developmental stages and temperaments
some is unfair - more attractive infants elicit more affectionate and playful interactions from mothers
some is about children’s growing agency
Age 4 parenting predicted conduct problems at age 7, and age 4 conduct problems predicted negative parenting at age 7 - clear bidirectional finding
7-9 - prediction of parenting to conduct problems, but no evidence of conduct problems to parenting
Family systems theory
There are lots of subsystems in a family, which overlap, meaning they develop alongside one another:
father child
mother child
matital relationship
all influence one another
What are the components of the systems theory?
Minuchin Wholeness Integrity of subsystems Circularity of influence Stability and change
A system is organised whole that is greater than sum of its parts - if you know characteristics of each individual, won’t tell you everything
Integrity of subsystems
Systems are composed of subsystems that may be studied in their own right
Circularity of influence
All components are mutually independent, change in one has implications for all (e.g. marital breakdown impacts parent child relationship)
Stability and change
Systems are open to outside influences that may change it - suffering a job loss