Families and households Flashcards
Young and Willmott (couples)
March of progress view -They said that couples were becoming more equal. Men were taking more housework jobs or looking after children as well as women. - Development of the symmetrical family.
Dobash and Dobash (couples)
Found that domestic violence was a reaction to husbands having their authority challenged - evidence of patriarchy in society. Marriage legitimated violence (radical view).
Parsons (couples)
Men perform an instrumental role - breadwinner and economic and decision making functions.
Women perform an expressive role - housework, emotion work and care for children and husbands.
Bott (couples)
There are two types of marriages - segregated conjugal roles and joint conjugal roles.
Sullivan (couples)
Women do a bit more housework than men today, but thins are much more doing more than ever before - more equal roles.
Postman (childhood)
Childhood is disappearing - worry over sexualization of children.
Aries (childhood)
In the past, children were mini adults, but now we are in a cult of childhood. Childhood is a separate stage.
Palmer (childhood)
Childhood is now toxic - concerns over negative influences in technology, obesity, abuse etc.
Jenks (Childhood)
Childhood is a social construct and not a biologically defined stage.
Gittens (childhood)
Age patriarchy
Smart (childhood)
New sociological approach focuses on the view of the child and their experience. E.g. children’s role in divorce
Greer (theories)
Radical feminist - argues a matrilocal household - having heterosexual relationships is ‘sleeping with the enemy’
Ansley (theories)
women are the “takers of sh*t” in the family
Murdock (theories)
Four functions of the family - stabilization of sex drive, economic , socialization, reproduction.
Parsons (theories)
Extended family moved to nuclear family to nuclear family as there was need for a geographically mobile workforce.