FAM Fuel Policy Flashcards
Approach Fuel
1500ft to the point of touchdown.
500kgs A330
300kgs B737
Arrival Allowance
Fuel uplifted preflight for additional maneuvering ( both lateral and vertical) during decent at destination and destination alternate airports. Fuel is Planned Additional Fuel unless Reduced Alternate Criteria
Ballast Fuel
W and B purposes only and is added to the dry operating weight. CANNOT BE USED/JETTISONED/USED FOR RESERVES
Required Additional Fuel
Additional fuel needed to meet (if required):
AVs DP1 DPD CPE DPA Min Dispatch Req. ATC Holding Icing CDL/MEL
This Fuel can be substituted for destination ATC holding, arrival allowance and CAV fuel.
Decision Point All Engines Operation (DPA)
The waypoint or waypoints on the OFP not beyond TOD that an aircraft may fly and then divert to a Cat A or B port with all engines operating whilst meeting the In-flight fuel requirements.
Note: DPA calculations will be shown on flight plans for all sectors of more than 500 nm.
Weather holding at Dest. need no be carried if you have a DPA.
Decision Point Depressurised (DPD)
The most fuel critical point on track from which the same fuel is required to proceed to
either of two A, B or C or Emergency Airports following a depressurisation at 14,000 ft then 10,000ft to arrive with 15mins at 1500ft +approach.
Note: DPD calculations will be shown on flight plans for all sectors of more than
500 nm
Discretionary Fuel
Fuel ordered extra by the PIC
Decision Point One Engine Inoperative (DP1)
The most fuel critical point on track from which the same fuel is required to proceed to
either of two A or B ports.
Preflight: Sufficient fuel
15 mins hold @ 1500ft
Approach Fuel
Special Holding when required
Adequate may be used if suitable not available.
Note: DPA calculations will be shown on flight plans for all sectors of more than
1,000 nm
Final Reserve Fuel (F.R.F)
30min holding at 1500ft.
There is no FRF required for ETOPS.
Flight Fuel
Commencement of Takeoff to 1500ft at destination
Fuel over Destination (FOD) A330 ONLY
Planned fuel remaining at 1500ft over destination ( this includes any arrival allowance).
FOD : Preflight fuel minus Taxi minus Flight Fuel
Payload Fuel
Included in ZFW
Used to satisfy MEL
Can be used as fuel under certain circumstances
Reserve Fuel
Fuel at departure in excess of: Taxi Flight Approach Ballast
Holding Fuel
Calculated at 20,000ft for the following:
ATC holding (advisory only) (if using an alternate, only use alternate ATC holding)
Isolated Airports Fuel
TEMPO plus ATC not to exceed 60 mins unless ATC exceeds 60 mins
INTER plus ATC not to exceed 40 mins
INTER with TS will be 60mins holing ( payload permitting)
Taxi Fuel
Eng Start
APU usage
330: 25 kg/m; normally 400kg incl. 100kg for APU
737: 15kg/m normally 100kg incl. 30kg for APU
Trip Fuel
Flight fuel plus approach fuel
Contingency Fuel (V.F.R)
10% of FLIGHT FUEL ( and diversion fuel)
330: Max value 2000kg
737: Max value 1000kg
If no Suitable available for DPA then VFR is 10% of Total flight fuel ( plus diversion)
Preflight Fuel Requirements
VFR (Contingency)
Special Holding
Required Additional
Arrival (If planned to RAWC)
VFR can be based on a reduced VFR DPA to Dest and Diversion.
If reserves still cannot be carried, plan can be to DPA thence to Suitable.
Inflight Fuel Requirement (AFTER FUEL UPLIFT)
Trip fuel to proceed to SUITABLE (Cat or B)
Contingency 10% (company planned) of above (5% CASA)
Holding Fuel
Required Additional Fuel
330 ONLY: Arrival Allowance ( only required inflight when Reduced Alternate Airport Weather Criteria has been applied at the Alternate Airport)
Fuel Tankering No Nos
Not to be carried when: Destination forecasts contaminated. Dest RWY is Slippery when wet and wet. Notam for reduced braking. Displaced threshold for rwy works.
Fuel Tankering Limits
737: 1000kg below MTOW and 1300kg below MLW
Landing Field Length 300m ( 1000ft) greater than required
Discretionary Fuel Reporting
330: 1000kg
737: 400kg
Planned Additional Fuel
Used for: Destination Alternate OPRISK Tankering. Arrival Allowance CAVs
Destination Alternate Fuel
1500ft-200ft-go around-1500ft @alternate
Endurance over Destination (EOD)
737 ONLY
planned endurance @1500ft over destination.
75mins normal ops ( Payload limited)
Min. Fuel over Dest. 737
The most fuel critical point where you can divert to either of 2 nominated Cat A, B or C ports following a system failure.