FAM Airport Criteria Flashcards
Cat A Airport
Approved for all OPS. Can be nominated as: Destination Alternate Adequate Emergency
A Category A airport will have minimum equipment/manpower required to refuel and
dispatch an aircraft without Engineering support.
Cat B Airport
Approved for all OPS. Can be nominated as: Destination Alternate Adequate Emergency
Has additional requirements to Cat A
These considerations may be operational, environmental or, on occasion, commercial.
The RMS Airport section lists the additional factors that should be considered.
Cat C Airport
A Category C airport is an airport that cannot be classified as a Category A or B airport
but is required for flight planning purposes.
A Category C airport cannot be planned as a Destination or Alternate airport but is
approved for use as an Adequate or Emergency airport.
Flight Crew are not to divert to a Category C airport for inflight medical emergencies.
Emergency Airport
For emergency only.
Destination Airport
Must be A or B airport
Alternate Airport
Cat A, B or C
Can be destination alternate ( flight may proceed to dest, and then alt) or any suitable airport on which DPA is based.
Isolated Airport
No alternate geographically available
Adequate Airport
A, B or C Airport Must satisfy CAO 82.0 Appendix 2 Adequate Airports found in RMS Must: Be Available Authorized to overfly and land Have ground services or 30 min call out. In Aus PAL and CTAF is OK Fire fighting services 1 approach
Suitable Airport
Cat A or B airport that does not need an alt. or appropriate holding is carried
Acceptable Airport
An Acceptable airport is a Category A, B, C or Emergency airport which at the time of departure is:
forecast to be above Landing Minima for the applicable period
or has applicable holding fuel included.
Available Airport
Captains call for the time of intended landing
Overseas Alternate Critera
Forecast ceiling added to the minima of the 2nd lowest independent approach.
Less than Cat 1 min. shall not be considered.
Precision: No lower than 400ft 1600m
Non Precision : No lower than 800ft 3000m
Reduced Alt. Wx Criteria A330
Dest. must have Cat II or Cat III and serviceable.
Alt. must have Cat II or Cat III available at time of use
Wx forecast for Vis. greater than Cat I RVR ( 800m vis or RVR 500m)
Other requirements if this is applied in-flight see FAM 15.3.7
RVSM level change tolerance
Do not over/undershoot by 150ft
More than 300ft a report must be submitted
Curfew Airport Restrictions
Sydney cannot be used as Alt during curfew
Any other airport can but holding may be requested if sufficient fuel is carried until after curfew.
Slope Guidance U/S restrictions
Chief pilot approval for 7 days required.
Further recency requirements see FAM 15.9
Alt airports do not require slope guidance
737 with HUD and 12 months recency OK
All company Main and Alt airports RFFS has been assessed and is approved.
Adequate Airpots must have min Cat 4 services and at least a 30 min call out.
PIC may land at airport with no RFFS if need be.
Safety Heights plan depictions
Depicted on all plans above 10000ft and on all segments within 100nm of dep/dest.
Lowest safety height shown is 1000ft
Safety Height MORA
Based on 1 degree grids
1000ft clearance below 5000ft
2000ft clearance above 5000 ft
Grid mora within 21nm either side of track examined
+/- on Grid MORA means incomplete terrain
Digital Terrain Method
8nm either side of track \+RNP 4 required 2000ft buffer applied above 5000ft 1000ft buffer applied below 5000ft Once off track Grid MORA MUST be used
Unrestricted Airport or Route
Self brief by pilot before going
Restricted Airport or Route
Pilot must complete Initial Qualification Requirements and renew every 12 months
Medical Diversions
No Cat C or below and check RMS for some Cat B
Departure Airport
Cat A or B: ok
Cat C: Call IOC and have Duty Captain Approval
Emergency: Chief Pilot Approval
Takeoff Alternate
Required when Take-off Airport below Landing Min or cannot return.
A B C or Emergency
400nm or within ETOPS
Operations Below LSALT/MSA Departure
Visual Dep.
Operations Below LASLT/MSA Arrival
STAR Inst. Appr DME Charts Surveillance Visual Appr