facilitation of proximal vital signs Flashcards
functions that are mainly under reflex control but can also be stimulated voluntarily are?
proximal functions
give examples of proximal functions
Respiration, facial, eye, tongue movements and swallowing
Making facilitation patterns against minimum resistance stimulates movements related to proximal functions
true or false?
false, maximum resistance
what king of applications we have for strengthening respiratory muscles?
direct and indirect application
Aims to improve inspiratory and expiratory functions by focusing on the sternal, costal and diaphragmatic
Exercise the abdominal muscles to strengthen forced exhalation
is related to which application?
direct application
what is the indirect application?
increasing the mobility of the chest, trunk and shoulder, reducing pain and spasticity, and relaxation.
Inspiration-related patterns are ?
neck extensions
upper and lower trunk extensions
flexion patterns of UL
Expiration-related patterns are?
neck flexors
upper and lower trunk flexions
extension patter of UL
what are the respiration positions?
where is the position of the hands when placed in supine position for breathing?
on sternum then downward pressure is applied obliquely going to the lateral chest on the lower ribs.
Both hands are placed parallel and diagonal to the lateral chest wall, on the lower ribs
this position for ?
side lying position
where is the placement of the hand while the patient in prone position in breathing exercises?
Hands are parallel and diagonal to the lower ribs.
Give pressure caudally along the line of the ribs.
where is the placement of the hand while the patient in prone position supported by forearm in breathing exercises?
one hand is placed on the sternum, giving pressure in a dorsal and caudal direction.
The other hand in the intercostal region
how to stimulate the diaphragm?
Thumb and palms are placed along the cartilaginous edges of the lower ribs
how to get abdominal muscles relaxed for diaphragmatic breathing exercise?
flex both hips
place your hands over the abdomen and ask the patient to inhale while pushing up into the gentle pressure is?
indirect facilitation for diaphragmatic motion
facial movements occur in 4 pivots
true or false?
false, 3
how to apply force irradiation?
giving resistance to strong movements, weak muscles are stimulated
Lift your eyebrows up. (Look surprised)
to which muscle is this commmand?
M. Frontalis
in M. frontalis exercise is done with eye closed and reinforced with neck flexion
true or false?
false, eye opened and reinforced with neck extention