It was a philosophy that rejected supernaturalism, regarded man as a natural object and asserted the essential dignity and worth of man and his capacity to achieve self-realization through the use of reason and scientific method.
type of education in which natural phenomena and social institutions rather than language and literature are made the chief subjects of study
It advocates that education should be concerned with the actualities of life and prepare for its concrete duties.
It asserted that the mind is made up of certain faculties such as memory, reason, will, judgment, etc and each of which needs special activities for its training and development.
It claims that human reason was the sole source of knowledge and the sole determiner whether things or actions were acceptable or not.
It advocated that education should be in accordance with the nature of the child meaning all educational practices should be focused towards the natural development of all the innate talents and abilities of the child.
It holds that knowledge is independent of sense perception or experience and lays stress on the mental idea, intrinsic or spiritual value rather than physical fact or material value.
claims that education must provide for the development of the mind of every pupil, and in order to realize this, the school must concentrate on intellectual, moral judgment, and aesthetic development of the students.
It is the doctrine that claims that the meaning of a proposition or idea lies in its practical consequences
It is concerned with the total development of the child through experiencing or through self-activity
claims that the child’s growth and development as an individual depend on his experiences and self-activity.
emphasizes the freedom of human beings to make choices in a world where there are no absolute values outside man himself.
believe that education should enable man to make choices for his life.
ascribes ultimate reality to essence embodied in a thing perceptible to the senses.
Modeling or learning through observation is central to the _____.
Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura