VII and VIII CN originate together in the…
Pontocerebellar angle (sitio típico de tumores que causan paresia facial, dificultad para mover la cara)
The facial nerve enters the temporal bone through the….
In the superior-external quadrant of the IAM, the facial nerve enters with fibers coming in the form of:
Nervous intermedius and motor root of facial nerve.
Through the rest of quadrants VIII fibers enter.
Nervus intermedius will carry … from the superior salivary nucleus and …. from the nucleus tractus solitarius. The motor root of facial nerve will carry….
PS efferents, special visceral afferents. Somatic efferents
From the IAM, the facial nerve enters the…
1st portion of facial nerve is called…
The sensory neuronal bodies (somatic and visceral afferents) of the VII CN are located in the…
Geniculate ganglion
1st portion of the facial nerve goes…
Forwards and outwards
2nd portion of facial nerve goes…
Posterior, downwards and outwards
The 1st portion of the facial nerve gives one branch from the geniculate ganglion:
Greater petrosal nerve
Greater petrosal nerve carries…
Visceral efferents to lacrimal glands (its postganglionic neuron arises at the Sphenopalatine ganglion and reaches the lacrimal gland for secretion of tears).
If we have a paralysis of the facial nerve, por qué se queda el ojo seco?
Because greater petrosal nerve from the 1st portion carries visceral efferents to lacrimal glands
Lesser petrosal nerve carries visceral efferents but from the…
GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE (IX), enters the geniculate ganglion from where it arises as the lesser petrosal nerve, goes to the OTIC ganglion and to the parotid
The 2nd portion of the facial nerve, after going downwards…
Gives off no branches
3rd portion of the facial nerve goes … and gives off different branches
Descends vertically and forwards