Facial Muscles Flashcards
Epicranius (Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis)
Located on the forehead.
Frontal belly: Raise eyebrows
Occipital belly: Wiggle ears/scalp
Orbicularis Oculi
Encircles the eyes. Sphincter muscle.
Function: Close eyes tight, squint.
Orbicularis Oris
Encircles the mouth. Sphincter muscle.
Function: Close the mouth tight, pucker lips.
Located on the nose.
Function: Flare nostrils.
Levator Labii Superioris
Located above upper lip to side of nose, triangular shape.
Function: Raise angle of mouth, dilate nostrils.
Zygomaticus Major
Located on cheek, larger of 2.
Function: Pull upper lip superiorly and laterally (smile).
Zygomaticus Minor
Located on cheek, smaller of 2.
Function: Pull upper lip superiorly.
Levator Anguli Oris
Located near Zygomaticus muscles.
Function: Raise angle of mouth.
Depressor Anguli Oris
Triangular shape. Located below mouth.
Function: Move angle of mouth inferiorly and laterally.
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Medial to depressor anguli oris.
Function: Move lower lip inferiorly and laterally.