Facial muscles Flashcards
a) Attachments
b) Action
a) Frontal belly = skin/subcutaneuos tissue of eyebrows and forehead
Occipital belly = Occipital bone
b) Wrinkle forehead and elevate eyebrows
Corrugator Supercilia:
a) Attachments
b) Action
a) Superciliary arch
b) draws eyebrows medially (vertical wrinkles = concern/worry)
a) Attachments
b) Action
a) from between the eyebrows to the lateral nasal cartilages
b) Depress medial eyebrows (horizontal wrinkles = distain/dislike)
Orbicularis Oculi:
a) Attachments
b) Action
a) From medial eye and lacramal bone to skin around the margin of the orbit (forms sphincter around eye
b) Palpebral = close eye gently (blink reflex)
Tightly = close eyes tightly (voluntary)
a) Attachments
b) Action
Nasalis has 2 parts:
- Transverse part
a) From maxilla lateral to nose to the aponeurosis across the bridge of the nose
b) Crinkles the nose
-Alar part
a) From maxilla to the alar cartilage of nasal skeleton
b) flares nostrils
Orbicularis Orris:
a) Attachments
b) Action
a) From medial mandible and maxilla to the mucous membrane of lips
b) Close/protrude lips
What are the names and origins and insertion of the mouth dilators?
All insert into angle of the mouth
Zygomatic Major
- Zygomatic bone
Levator anguli oris
- Infraorbital Maxilla
- Parotid fascia and buccal skin
Depressor anguli oris
- Base of mandible
a) Attachments
b) Action
a) From alveola process on maxilla/mandible to angle of mouth
b) Press cheeks to molar teeth (smiling) and resist distension
a) Attachments
b) Action
a) body of manidble to skin of cheek
b)elevates and protrudes lower lips (sad)
a) Attachments
b) Action
a) Subcutaneous tissue of infra and supra clavicular region to angle of mouth, mandible, orbicularis oris, lower lip, skin of cheek
b) tenses skin of inferior face/neck and depresses mandible
What branches of the facial nerve innervate the motor control of the face?
-Temporal branch
-Zygomatic branch
- Buccal branch
- Marginal mandibular branch
- Cervical branch
- Posterior auricular branch (innervates the occipital belly of occipitofrontalis)
What muscles do the temporal branch nerve innervate?
Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis
Orbicularis Oculi
What muscles do the zygomatic branch nerve innervate?
Orbicularis oculi
Levator labii superioris
Levaotr anguli oris
Zygomaticus major/minor
What muscles do the Buccal branch nerve innervate?
orbicularis oris
What muscles do the Marginal mandibular branch nerve innervate?
orbicularis oris
Depressor Labii inferioris
Depressor anguli oris
What muscles do the Cervical branch nerve innervate?
What muscles do the Posterior auricular branch branch nerve innervate?
Occipital belly of occipitofrontalis
What is bells palsy and what are its clinical features?
Definition = Paralysis of some/all of muscles of facial expression
If eye muscles are effects:
- Eversion of eyyelid
- tears not spreading over eye
- risk of corneal ulceration
If mouth muscles are effected:
- Food accumulation in mouth
- Dropping mouth
- speech affected