Anatomy Of The Neck Flashcards
Identify the boundaries of the neck and their anatomical landmarks
Superior boundary
- lower skull and mandible
Inferior boundry
- clavicle, sternum, acromion
What are the major components of a typical service vertebrae?
- Pedicle
- Lamina
- Spinous process
- articular facet
- transverse Foramen
- articular facets
Which cervical vertebrae are Unique and why?
Atlas (C1)
- No body/spinous process
- articular facet for occipital condyles and Dens
Axis (C2)
- Has dens which articulates with atlas
Name the compartments of the neck and what they contain
Visceral compartment
- trachea and oesophagus
Vascular compartments
- Nerves and blood vessels
Vertebral compartment
- Vertebrae, spinal chord, muscles, nerves
Musculofascial collar
- encloses whole neck except the most superficial layer
a) origin
b) insertion
c) Function
d) innervation
a) pectoralis major and deltoid
b) Mandible
c) tensing neck and grimace
What is the peritracheal fascia?
fascia that surrounds the trachea and oesophagus in the neck. Makes the visceral compartment
What is the prevertebral fascia?
Fascia that surrounds the vertebral column and vertebral muscle in the neck. Males the vertebral compartment
What is the carotid sheath?
Fascia that surrounds the carotid arteries (except external) and the internal jugular vein. Makes up the vascular compartment
Name the triangles of the neck and their borders
Anterior triangle
- mandible, anterior SCM, midline of neck
Posterior triangle
- Posterior SCM, clavicle, anterior border of trapezius
What are the subdivisions of the posterior triangle and how are the divided?
Occipital triangle (superior) and omoclavicular triangle (inferior).
They are separated by the omohyoid muscle
What structures lie in the posterior triangle?
- e. jugular
- subclavian a. and v.
- transverse cervical a.
- suprascapular a.
- Spinal accessory
Trunks of brachial plexus
Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus
What are the subdivisions of the anterior triangle and what divides them?
- Submandibular
- Carotid triangle
- Muscular triangle
-Submental triangle
They are separated by the digastric and omohyoid muscle
Name all the suprahyoid muscles
Name all the infrahyoid muscles
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) innervation
a) Mylohyoid line on mandible
b) Body of hyoid
c) nerve to mylohyoid (CN V3)
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) innervation
a) Mental spine of mandible
b) Body of hyoid
c) Anterior ramus of C1
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) innervation
a) ant belly = digastric fossa on lower medial madible
post belly = mastoid notch on mastoid process
b) both bellies = intermediate tendon of the hyoid bone
c)Mylohyoid nerve
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) innervation
a) styloid process (projection from temporal bone)
b) body of hyoid
c) stylohyoid branch of CN VII
a) Origin
b) Insertion
a) superior belly = intermediate tendon
inferior belly = superior scapula
b) superior belly = body of hyoid bone
inferior belly = intermediate tendon
How is the omohyoid muscle held in place?
A fascial sling wraps around the intermediate tendon and anchors to the clavical
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) innervation
a) oblique line on thyroid cartilage
b) greater horn and adjacent body of hyoid
c) anterior rami of C1
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) innervation
a) Sternoclavicular joint and manubrium
b) Body of Hyoid medially
c)anterior rami of C1-C3
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) innervation
a) posterior surface of manubrum
b) oblique line of thyroid cartilage
c) anterior rami C1-C3
What is common about the innervation of Thyrohyoid, Sternohyoid, and sternothyroid?
all innervated by anterior rami C1-C3, which converge into a single nerve called the Ansa cervicallis
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) function
d) innervation
a) Manubrium and medial 1/3 clavicle
b) Mastoid process on skull
c) Draws head forward (both left and right) or pulls ear to shoulder (just left or right)
d) CN XI
a) Origin
b) Insertion
c) function
d) innervation
a) superior nuchal line (skull), external occipital protuberance, spinus processes C7-T12
b) Lateral 1/3 clavicle, acromion, spine of scapula
c) Assist rotation of scapula
d) CN XI
What structures are contained within the carotid triangle?
- internal carotid
- External carotid
- Common carotid
- internal jugular
- Hypoglossal nerve
-Spinal accessory nerve
-Ansa Cervicalis
What are the boundaries of the root of the neck?
-Top of manubrium
-superior border of clavicle
-Body of T1 vertebrae
- First pair of ribs
-Superior thoracic aperture
Describe the path of the subclavian artery
Originates from the aortic arch.
Then described as 3 parts depending on its relation to the scalene muscles:
- 1st part medial to scalene
- 2nd part posterior to scalene
- 3rd part lateral to scalene
Once it reaches the 1st rib it becomes the axillary artery
describe the path of the subclavian vein
It comes from the axillary vein.
Parallel to subclavian artery
Joins up with the internal jugular vein to become the brachiocephalic vein
describe the path of the vagus neve
Descends between the subclavian artery and vein
describe the path of the recurrent laryngeal nerve
Ascends lateral to the trachea to the larynx
Describe the brachial plexus
- 5 roots (C5-T1
- 3 Trunks (superior, middle, inferior)
- 6 Divisions
- 3 cords (lateral, posterior, medial)
- 5 branches (Musculo Cutaneal, axillary, median, radial, ulnar)
Which parts of the brachial plexus are found in the root of the neck?
Roots and trunks
(after clavicle = divisions)
Describe the path of the sympathetic trunk to the face
Starts in the thoracolumbar region, must ascend to reach the head and neck.
Has three cervical ganglia:
- superior, middle and inferior
Innervates sympathetic nervous system in head and neck
What are the features of Horner’s syndromes
- constriction of pupil (miosis)
- Drooping of the eyelid (ptosis)
- Vasodilation and absence of sweating in head/neck