Facial Expression and Head Flashcards
occiptal and temporal –> galea aponeurotica
galea aponeurotica –> fascia and skin of eyes and nose
A: Occipitalis - draws scalp posteriorly
Frontalis – draws scalp anteriorly; raises eyebrows and skin over nose and eyes
N: Facial Nerve (CN VII)
Art: Occipital, posterior auricular, opthalmic
surprise, shock, horror, fright, recognition
O: galea aponeurotica I: fascia superior to the ear A: elevates ear N: Facial (CN VII) Art: Superficial temporal and posterior auricular
Auricular: Anterior
O: galea aponeurotical and anterior temporal
I: anterior ear
A: draws ear anteriorly
N: Facial (CN VII)
Art: Superficial temporal and posterior auricular
Auricular: Superior
O: galea aponeurotica and superior temporal
I: superior ear
A: draws ear superiorly
N: Facial (CN VII)
Art: Superficial temporal and posterior auricular
Auricular: Posterior:
O: posterior temporal I: posterior ear A: draws ear posteriorly N: Facial (CN VII) Art: Superficial temporal and posterior auricular
Orbicularis oculi
Three parts: Orbital, Palpebral and lacrimal
Form an oval sphincter encircling the eye
Frontal bone, maxilla and lacrimal bones
A: closes and squints the eye
N: Facial (CN VII)
Art: facial and superficial temporal artery (Branches of external carotid)
Corrugator supercilli
O: inferior frontal bone I: fascia of medial eyebrow A: draws eyebrows inferiorly and medially (squints) N: facial (CN VII) Art: opthalmic
Levator Palpebrae Superioris
O: spheniod (anterior surface of lesser wing) I: Tissue of upper eyelid A: Elevates upper eyelid N: Occulomotor (CN III) Art: opthalmic
O: fascia and skin of nasal bone
I: fascia and skin of medial eyebrows
A: draws medial eyebrows inferiorly (squints) and wrinkles skin of nose upwards
N: facial (CN VII)
A: Facial artery (branch of external carotid)
maxilla lateral to nose –> opposite side nasals of upper cartilage
==> constricts nostrils
maxilla at nostrils –> alar cartilage of nose
==> flares nostrils
Nerve: facial (CN VII)
Artery: Facial artery ( branch of external carotid)
Depressor septi nasi
O: incisive fossa of maxilla
I: cartilage and septum of nose
A: constricts nostrils (by pulling septum down)
N: facial nerve (CN VII)
Art: facial artery (branch of external carotid)
Levator labii superioris aleque nasi
O: maxilla (frontal process)
I: lateral part of upper lip, cartilage of nose
A: flares nostrils and elevates upper lip
N: facial (CN VII)
Art: infraorbital artery (branch of maxillary)
anger, smile, smug, contempt, distain
Levator labii superioris
O: Maxilla (inferior orbital margin) I: lateral part of upper lip A: elevates upper lip N: Facial (CN VII) Art: facial artery (branch of external carotid)
smile smug contempt distain
Levator anguli oris
O: Maxilla (canine fossa) I: Angle of the mouth/modiolus A: elevates angle of the mouth N: facial (CN VII) Art: facial artery (branch of external carotid)
smile, sneer, vampire
Zygomaticus minor
O: zygomatic bone (close to zygomatico-maxillary suture)
I: upper lip
A: elevates upper lip
N: facial (CN VII)
Art: facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
smile smug distain contempt
Zygomaticus major
O: zygomatic bone (close to zygomatico-temporal suture)
I: angle of the mouth (modiolus)
A: elevates angle of the mouth
N: facial (CN VII)
Art: facial artery (branch of external carotid)
smiling and laughing
O: fascia of the mandible (superficial to masseter)
I: angle of the mother (modiolus)
A: draws angle of mouth laterally
N: facial (CN VII)
Art: facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
laughing, smiling, grinning
Depressor Anguli Oris
O: oblique line of the mandible I: angle of mouth (modiolus) A: depresses angle of the mouth N: facial (CN VII) Art: facial artery (branch of the external carotid)
sadness. uncertainty
Depressor labii inferioris
O: medial part of the oblique line of the mandible
I: lower lip (midline)
A: depresses lower lip
N: facial (CN VII)
Art: facial artery (branch of external carotid)
sorrow. doubt. irony
Which muscle of the face and head is not innervated by either the facial or the trigeminal nerve?
levator palpebrae superioris (occulomotor nerve – CN III)
O: incisive fossa of the mandible
I: skin of the chin
A: elevates, everts and protracts lower lip (pouty face)
N: facial (CN VII)
Art: facial artery (branch of external carotid)
O: maxilla and mandible
I: lips and modiolus
A: compresses cheeks against teeth. (hypercheekbone face)
N: facial (CN VII)
Art: MAXILLARY and facial (branch of external carotid)
Orbicularis oris
Circular muscle around the lips. Fibres pull towards each modiolus as the muscle contracts.
A: closes mouth, protracts lips
N: facial (CN VII)
Art: facial artery (branch of the external carotid).
O: temporal fossa I: coronoid process and rams of mandible A: elevates and retracts the jaw N: trigeminal (CN V) Art: maxillary and superficial temporal
Superficial layer:
zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch –> angle and 1/2 ramus of mandible
Action: elevates and protracts jaw
Deep layer:
inferior margin and deep surface of zygomatic arch –> coronoid process 1/2 ramus of mandible
Action: elevates and retracts jaw
N: trigeminal (CN V)
A: maxillary (branch of external carotid)
Medial pterygoid
two heads: superficial and deep
O: sphenoid (mostly), palatine and maxilla
I: angle and inferior surface of mandible
A: elevation, protraction, CL deviation of mandible
N: trigeminal (CN V)
Art: maxillary (branch of external carotid)
Lateral pterygoid
Two heads: superior and inferior
O: sphenoid
I: capsule, articular disc, and neck of mandible
A: protraction, CL deviation of mandible
N. trigeminal (CN V)
Art: maxillary (branch of external carotid)
What muscle are fed by the opthalmic artery?
Corrugator supercilli
Levator palpebrae superioris
Occipitofrontalis (with occipital and posterior auricular)
Which muscle is fed by the infraorbital artery?
Levator labii superioris aleque nasi
What are the muscles of mastication?
Medial pterygoid
Lateral pterygoid
What are the muscles of the scalp?
Auricular (anterior, posterior, superior)
What are the muscles around the eye?
Orbicularis occuli
Corrigator supercilli
Levator palpebrae superioris
What are the muscles of the nose?
Depressor septi nasi
What are are the Cranial Nerves that are also referred to as: facial, trigeminal, occomotor?
Facial - 7
Trigeminal – 5
Occulomotor – 3
How many muscles attach into the modiolus?
Levator anguli oris Zygomaticus major Depressor anguli oris Risorius Buccinator Orbicularis oris.