Face, Palate and Nasal Cavity Embryology Flashcards
What are the bulges of mesenchymal tissue that protrude from both sides of the rostral embryo surrounding the stomodeum?
the pharyngeal arches (or branchial arches)
How many pharyngeal arches are there?
6 (although 5 disappears)
The 1st pharyngeal arch has two projections, which are…
the maxillary and mandibular prominences - they immediately surround the primitive mouth
At what point during development do the pharyngeal arches s=appear?
4th week
What cells invade the mesenchyme of the pharyngeal arches to form most of the facial features?
neural crest cells
What does the stomodeum develop into? The floor forms what membrane?
the mouth
the floor forms the oropharyngeal membrane which breaks down around day 24
What facial prominence is rostral to the maxillary and mandibular prominences?
the frontal prominence
What are placodes?
areas of thickening in the embryonic epitheliual layer
they will give rise to some structure or organ - in the face they do the sensory organs like the nose (nasal placodes)
Besides the nasal placodes, what are the other two sets in the face?
the lens placodes and otic placodes
At first, the otic and lens placodes are located on the ___ of the head
side of the head
the lens placodes will move to the front as the head developes
THe mandibular prominence fuses at the ventral midline during week 4. What type of ossification occurs to form the mandible?
endochondral ossification
The frontonasal prominence developes the nasal placodes during the 5th week, and during the 6th week, what developes?
the nasal pits - a depression in the center of the nasal placode that will form the nostril
During week 6, the medial nasal prominences migrate towards each other and fuse in the midline to form the ___ and ____
nasal septum and intermaxillary segment
What will the intermaxillary segment give rise to?
the philtrum
primary palate
The maxillary prominences will grow medially and fuse with the naal prominences and mandibular prominences to form what?
the cheek, upper lip and secondary palate