Auditory and Vestibular Pathways Flashcards
What is the afferent auditory pathway from the hair cells to the primary auditory cortex? How many neurons?
hair cells
thorugh aucitory nerve to cochlear nucleu
throuh trapeoid body to superior olivary complex
thoruhg lateral lemniscus to inferior colliculus
through brachium of IC to medial genicular nucleus
through internal capsule to the primary auditory cortex
6 neurons in total
What are the three efferent outputs in the auditory pathway?
from the superior olivary complex to the:
- hair cells
- tensor tympani
- stapedius
Through what nerve do the efferent fibers travel to reach the hair cells? The tensor tympani? The facial motor nucleus?
auditory nerve to hair cells
trigminal V3 to tensor tympani
Facial nerve to stapedius
What sort of sounds will the acoustic reflex protect the ear from?
it will protect the ear from loud, low frequency tones, but it won’t protect against high pitched, quick tones like gun shots - this is because it’s slow and won’t be able to activate in time to do any good
Because there is extensive bilateral connections int he auditory system, what is the only way to have an ipsilateral hearing loss form a single lesion?
you’d have to have a peripheral defect, like at the cochlea, auditory nerve or cochlear nucleus (the cochlear nucleus projects bilaterally, so anything after that would affect both sides)
Bilateral hearing loss from a single lesion has to be…
In the vestibular pathway, the hair cells project to what nuclei thorugh what nerve?
it’s easy…
to the vestibular nuclei via the vestibular nerve
How many vestibular nuclei are there?
4 on each side - superior, lateral, medial, and inferior
What part of the thalamus does the vestibular nulei project to? Through wha tpathway?
to the vetroposterior nucleus by the medial lemniscus
What are the three reflexes the vestibular pathway is involved in?
the vestibulo-occular reflex
the vestibulocerebellar reflex
the vestibulospinal reflex
What does the vestibulospinal reflex do?
It runs in the lateral vestibulospinal tract and the medial vestibulospinal tract
lateral is related to limb and trunk position in comparison to the head
medial is related to upper back and neck position in comparison to the head
What does the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) do?
It’s what keeps your eyes focused on one thing while your head moves
What tract does the vestibulo-ocular reflex run through on its way to the oculomotor, abducens, and trochlear nuclei?
the medial lontiduinal fasciculus
What are 1 ,2 and 4
are they involved in the auditory or vestibular pathways
1 - medial geniculate of the thalamus
- branchium to the inferior colliculus
- inferiro colliculus
Where will the median and inferior vestibular nuclei be located in relation to other landmarks in the mid medulla?
it will be dorsal to the solitary tract/nucleus
lateral to the 4th ventricle