F2 - 10. Financial Instruments Flashcards
What is a financial instrument?
Any contract that gives rise to both a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another
What are the 3 main types of financial asset?
- Equity instrument in another entity (shares)
- Cash or receivables
- Derivates standing at a gain
What are the 3 main types of financial liability?
- Payables
- Redeemable preference shares
- Derivates standing at a loss
What is an equity instrument?
A contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its liabilities i.e. a company’s own shares
Are financial instruments classified as their substance or their legal form?
Substance e.g. redeemable or cumulative preference are liabilities and not equity
What are compound intstruments?
Financial instruments that show characteristics of both equity and liabilities
How are compound instruments treated at inception?
Split into debt and equity components:
- The fair value of the liability is measured as the PV of the future expected cash flows, discounted at the market rate
- The fair value of the equity component is the remainder of the issue proceeds
How are compound instruments subsequently treated?
- Liability is held at amortised cost
- Equity remains the same
What is a derivate?
A financial instrument that requires little or not initial investment and derives its value from underlying items, to be settled at some future date
How are derivates accounted for?
At fair value, with gains/losses going through the P&L
How are financial instruments initially measured?
At fair value including any transaction costs (unless held at FVTPL)
Asset = + Transaction Costs Liability = - Transaction Costs
What types of financial assets are subsequently measured at amortised cost?
Assets held in order to collect contractual cash flows rather than selling the asset, where the cash flows are solely payments of principle and interest
What types of financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value through profit or loss?
Equity investments (shares) and derivatives
What types of financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value through other comprehensive income?
Assets held when the business intends to collect contractual cash flows AND to sell them, where the cash flows are solely payments of principle and interest
What happens to gains and losses through OCI when financial assets held at FVTOCI are derecognised?
They are reclassified to the P&L
What is an irrevocable election?
When shares are not held for trading, the entity can make an irrevocable election to present changes through OCI instead of the P&L - gains are not reclassified when shares are sold
How are financial liabilities subsequently held?
At amortised cost (some held for short term profit making are held at FVTPL)
What are the conditions for reclassification of financial assets?
- The entity changes its business model for managing financial assets
- All financial assets affected must be reclassified
Can financial liabilities be reclassifed?