F2 - 1. Introduction to Group Accounts Flashcards
What is a group?
Where one company parent buys shares in a subsidiary such that the parent controls the subsidiary (>50%)
What are the 2 reasons for creating group accounts?
- Parent’s shareholders cannot see performance of sub if investment held at cost
- Operate as single economic entity, so reflects the economic substance of the relationship
What is the basic principle of consolidation of the group statement of financial position?
Add together the individual SoFPs
How is the investment in the sub shown in the consolidated statement of financial position?
IT IS NOT (replaced by net assets and goodwill)
What share capital is shown in the consolidated statement of financial position?
Only that of the parent
Why do we add together the assets and liabilities of the parent and sub to form the consolidated statement of financial position?
To reflect that the parent controls all assets and liabilities
What 2 additional categories are added to the the consolidated statement of financial position?
- Goodwill (intangible asset)
2. Non Controlling Interest (under equity)
What is included in the retained earnings of the consolidated statement of financial position?
The entire parent retained earnings, and the share of the subsidiaries retained earnings since purchase
What is goodwill?
The difference between the price paid to acquire a business and the fair value of its net assets - representing the future economic benefit arising from other assets acquired in the business combination
Under what category of the consolidated statement of financial position is goodwill recorded?
Intangible non current assets
Is goodwill amortised?
No - it is reviewed annually for impairments
What is Non Controlling Interest?
The shareholding that is not owned by the controlling party, with the figure recorded being what the NCI is owed at the year end date
What is the calculation for NCI?
% of Net Assets/Fair Value @ Aqn
+ % of post acqn retained earnings
- % of goodwill impairment (IF USING FULL/FAIR VALUE METHOD)
What is the proportionate method of goodwill calculation?
Cost of Combination
+ NCI% of Net Assets
- Net Assets
= Goodwill
What is the full/fair method of goodwill calculation?
Cost of Combination
+ Fair value of NCI
- Net Assets
= Goodwill
What is different about how goodwill impairment is treated between the proportionate/fair value methods?
100% impairment goes to the parent / impairment split between parent and NCI
What are the 3 IF AND ONLY IF conditions for an investor to control another entity?
- Power to direct normal operating activities
- Exposure to variable returns
- Ability to use power to affect returns
What are the 4 main sources of power over another entity?
- Owning >50% of shares
- <50%, but other shares are held by lots of minor NCIs
- Contractual arrangement
- Potential voting rights (e.g. holds convertible bonds)
What are the 3 main reasons that a parent might be exempt from preparing group accounts?
- It is in itself a wholly owned sub
- Debt and equity instruments are not publicly traded
- The ultimate or intermediate parent produces group accounts that comply with IFRS
What are the 3 methods that can be used by a parent to record investment in a subsidiary in their own individual accounts? (And which is most common)
- At cost
- At cost, then revalued
- Using the equity method
What is a gain on bargain purchase?
The gain when an organisation pays less for a company than the net assets value (i.e. negative goodwill)
What are the 2 checks you must make before recording a gain on bargain purchase?
- Have all the subs assets and liabilities been recognised?
2. Are all the elements of the calculation correct?
How is a gain on bargain purchase recorded?
Immediately credit statement of profit or loss with income