Eye trauma Flashcards
Watery eye =
Canalicular injury
When do you refer an eyelid laceration?
If lid margin or nasolacrimal duct are involved
Skin contraction following eyelid laceration can cause what?
lower lid turns outwards
What can form in 48 hours after a metallic corneal FB?
Rust ring
What does white corneal infiltrate suggest?
Bacterial keratitis
Linear vertical fluorescein staining on superior cornea =
Subtarsal FB
What is the difference between a penetrating eye injury and a perforating eye injury?
Penetrating = entrance wound only Perforating = entrance and exit wound
Signs of ocular trauma:
Entry wound: cornea/sclera/under subconj haemorrhage
Distorted pupil
Decreased red reflex
What causes decreased red reflex in ocular trauma?
Lens damage or vitreous haemorrhage
What is contraindicated in metal FB?
Complications of ocular trauma?
Iris prolapse
Corneal repair:
Nylon sutures
Cyanoacrylate glue
Signs of ruptured globe:
Vitreous and severe sub-conjunctival haemorrhage
Hyphaema (pooling of blood in anterior chamber)
Motility restriction and diplopia
Extruded intraocular contents
Globe collapse, irregular pupil and subluxed lens
Bruised retina
Traumatic optic neuropathy and retinal breaks
Signs of traumatic optic neuropathy:
VA from 6/6 to no perception of light RAPD VFD Colour vision defect Initial CN II swelling then atrophy CT scan the brain and orbit for fractures and bleeds
Negative ocular effects of topical steroids:
Mask symptoms
Raise IOP
Potentiate infection
Most common orbital injury?
Blowout fracture of the orbital floor
Symptoms of orbital fractures:
Pain worse up gazing
Diplopia (vertical)
Eyelid swelling
Signs of orbital fractures:
Restricted eye movements
Nose bleeds
Eye lid oedema
Infraorbital numbness
Imaging of orbital fractures:
Sinus X-ray to see blood levels in maxillary blood levels
CT orbit