Eye, and orbit Flashcards
Name the bones of the ORBITAL MARGIN
Superior: Frontal Lateral: Zygomatic Medial: Anterior: Frontal bone, Frontal process of maxilla Posterior: lacrimal bone Inferior: Zygomatic, and maxilla
Name the bones of the ORBITAL CAVITY
Roof – Frontal bone
Floor – Maxilla
Medial wall – Maxillary, Lacrimal, Ethmoid
(lamina papricia), Sphenoid (lesser wing)
Lateral wall – Zygomatic, Sphenoid (greater wing)
Orbicularis oculi – orbital and palpebral part
innervation and action
Close eyes
Levator palpebrae superioris
innervation and action
A: opens upper eyelid Superior tarsal muscle – (smooth muscle portion under sympathetic control)
Sphincter pupillae action and innervation
parasympathetic control, CN III
Dilator pupillae – (sympathetic control)
sympathetic control
Contraction of ciliary muscle makes the lens
Relaxation of the ciliary muscle makes the lens
All eye muscles are innervated by the oculomotor nerve CN III, EXCEPT….
the superior oblique (trochlear nerve CN IV) and lateral
rectus, (abducens nerve CN VI) … SO4 (LR6)3
CN III branches into
two division: What are they?
Superior division – superior rectus, levator palpebrae superioris
Inferior division – Medial rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique
V1 branches into sensory nerves in the orbit. Describe these branches
Lacrimal nerve – lateral upper eyelid, lacrimal gland and some conjunctiva
Frontal nerve
Nasociliary nerve
What are the branches of V1 frontal nerve in the orbit?
Supraorbital nerve – upper eyelid, forehead and scalp Supratrochlear nerve – upper eyelid, forehead and scalp
What are the branches of V1 Nasociliary nerve in the orbit?
Long cilliary nerves - eyeball Posterior ethmoidal nerve – sphenoid sinus, ethmoid air cells and nasal cavity
Anterior ethmoidal nerve – ethmoid air cells and nasal cavity
External nasal branches – bridge of nose
Infratrochlear nerve – medial upper eyelid and lacrimal sac
Maxillary division V2 in the orbit and innervation
Inferior palpebral nerve – lower eyelid, eyeball
Oculomotor (III) via ciliary ganglion innervate ciliary muscles and constrictor pupillae muscles
Lacrimal gland - Facial (VII) via deep petrosal nerve (sympathetic fibers)
Absent ipsilateral with normal contralateral response:
Normal V with abnormal ipsilateral VII
Absent bilateral response:
V abnormality OR bilateral VII abnormality.
Absent contralateral response:
Abnormal contralateral VII.
Function of Superior tarsal muscle –
sympathetic smooth muscle that maintains sympathetic tone keeping eyes open.