Clinical considerations Flashcards
The single most important structure that restricts infection spread from the head to the neck
Hyoid bone
What is Pericoronitis
Infection of the gingiva overlaying A partially arrested or severely broken down tooth. Most common in their molars. Debris packed between the mucosa and the tooth promote rapid bacterial growth
What is characteristic of sublingual space infection or abscess?
The sublingual abscess is deep to the mylohyoid muscle.
What is characteristic of a submandibular space infection?
The abscess or infection is superficial to the mylohyoid muscle
Buccal space infection can spread to?
Why are they so dangerous?
Superficial temporal
Dangerous because they can spread the orbit and then to the cavernous sinus.
What does lewd wigs angina effect?
Bilateral perimandibular space infection, which compresses upper airway.
May spread to pretracheal space and become fatal
Which spaces allow infections in the oral cavity too spread to the mediastinum?
Retropharyngeal and Alar danger spaces
High severity infection Spaces.
- Lateral Pharyngeal
- Retropharyngeal
- Pretracheal
- Danger Space
- Mediastinum
Low Severity infection spaces
MSA Injection is where?
Vestibule Near first and second pre molars
ASA/ IA Injection is where?
Vestibule deep up near the infraorbital foramen
Greater Palatine/ Incisive Injection is where?
Find incisive foramen were nasopalentine and ASA emerge
Division 2 Block given where?
Back of the of throat where greater valentine nerves emerge, up the tperygopalentine canal
IA Injection
Lateral of Pterygomandibular raphe in the triangle
Long Buccal Injection given where
Given buccal of 3rd mandibular molar
Gow Gates Injection
Given near the Pterygoid fovea of mandible or neck of mandible
Akinosi Injection
IA injection with mouth closed
Mental Nerve Injection
In front right down by the mental foramen
Mylohyoid Nerve Injection
Lingual side between 2nd and 3rd mandibular molars