EXW Flashcards
What are the principles of ORM?
Accept risk when benefits outweigh the cost.
Accept no unnecessary risk.
Manage risk by planning.
Make risk decisions at the right level.
What does KOCOA stand for?
Key Terrain, Observation and field of fire, Cover and Concealment, Obstacles to movement, Avenues of Approach.
What is the cycle of operations for the M240b?
Chambering, locking, firing, Unlocking, extracting, ejecting, feeding, cocking
What are the 3 objectives of TCCC?
Mission completion, treat casualties, prevent further casualties
State 3 types of air mobility command air crafts?
C5 galaxy
C17 globe master
C130 Hercules
What is the mission of the military sealift command?
To provide ocean transportation of equipment, fuel, supplies and ammunition to sustain U.S. forces worldwide.
What does MGRS stand for?
Military Grid Reference System
What does DAGR Stand for?
Defense Advance GPS Receiver
List the four different message precedence?
Priority, Routine, immediate, flash
What are the 4 types of wire entanglements?
Triple strand concertina, low wire entanglement, double apron, tangle foot.
What is a beaten zone in regard to machine gun fire?
The cone of fire striking a horizontal target. Long and narrow.
Cycle of ops for M2A1?
Feeding, chambering, locking, firing, unlocking, extracting, cocking, ejecting
(Becerra) Q: for the .50, doesn’t it start with firing since it starts the bolt is in the forward position??
What is PIM?
Plan of intended movement