It provides an easily used navigational aid, route control and battle tracking information, operational and logistical support points, major terrains features, key built areas, highway infrastructure, and danger areas.
List some things you can find on a strip map?
Start point, rally point, halts, critical points, distance between CPs, Friendly forces, arrival/departure times, Convoy routes, major cities and towns, north orientation, duress frequency, logistical support data, danger areas.
What does blocking technique mean?
Used to physically block the road with a vehicle to prevent traffic from feeder roads, traffic circles, and on/off ramps from intermingling with the convoy
Define Danger areas?
Specified area above, below, or within which there may be potential danger. Requires additional awareness and control to allow a convoy to while controlling traffic and remaining alert of potential threats.
What are some procedures for hardening a vehicle?
Cover cargo bed with double layer of sandbags. Cover the cab floor with double layer of sandbags under the driver’s seat. Do not hamper pedals movement. Place heavy rubber or fiber mat over the sandbags to reduce danger from fragments.
What are some convoy formations?
File - inexperience drivers/Simplicity, usable at night, minimizes IED blast
Staggered - only on multilane roads/all around security, greater flexibility
Offset - Used to block third party traffic
Inverted T- Used on multilane roads/limits third party infiltration.
Diamond- Same as inverted T
What are the 5 C’s if you come across an IED?
Confirm, Clear, Cordon, Control, Check