Extrinsic Muscles of the Shoulder Flashcards
List the extrinsic muscles of the shoulder
- Trapezius
- Latissimus dorsi
- Levator scapulae
- Rhomboideus minor
- Rhomboideus major
Origin of the Trapezium (3)
- Back of skull - (a) Medial 1/3 of superior nuchal line
(b) External occipital protuberance - Back of neck - (a) Ligamentum nuchae
(b) spine of C7 - Back of thorax - all thoracic spines and supraspinous ligaments
Insertion of the trapezium (3)
- Upper fibres (occipital and upper cervical) - Posterior aspect of lateral 1/3 of clavicle
- Middle fibres (lower cervical and upper thoracic) - Medial border of acromion and upper lip of the crest of spine of scapula
- Lower fibres - Ascend to be inserted by a tendon into the tubercle of the crest of spine of scapula
Nerve supply of trapezium
- Motor - Spinal accessory nerve
- Sensory (proprioceptive) - branches from C3,C4
Actions of trapezium
- Upper fibres - Elevates scapula and shoulder (shrug shoulder)
- Middle fibres - Retracts scapula (standing to attention of soldiers)
- Lower fibres - Rotates scapula so that glenoid cavity faces upwards
- Acting from insertion, trapezius pulls head backwards and laterally
Deep relations of trapezium
Rest of muscles of the back + artery + nerve
1. Levator scapulae
2. Rhomboids
3. Latissimus dorsi
4. Supraspinatus
5. Infraspinatus
6. Spinal accessory nerve
7. Superficial branch of transverse cervical artery
Origin of latissimus dorsi (5)
by an aponeurosis from:
- lower 6 thoracic spines and supra spinous ligaments (undercover trapezius)
- from lumbar spines (through thoracolumbar fascia)
- posterior part of outer lip of iliac crest
- outer surfaces of lower 3 or 4 ribs
- dorsal aspect of inferior angle of the scapula
Insertion of latissimus dorsi
By a flat tendon into the floor of the bicipital groove of humerus
Nerve supply of latissimus dorsi
Nerve to latissimus dorsi (throracodorsal nerve) from posterior cord of brachial plexus
enters with thoracodorsal artery
Actions of latissimus dorsi
- Extension, adduction and medial rotation of arm
- Pulls whole shoulder girdle downwards and backwards (as in swimming)
- Can pull trunk upwards when arms are fixed above the head (as in climbing)
- Strong muscle of expiration as it can compress lower part of thoracic cage
Relation of latissimus dorsi with teres major
triple relation
1. first behind
2. second below it
3. finally infront of it at its insertion
Origin of levator scapulae
Upper 4 cervical transverse processes
Insertion of levator scapulae
Dorsal aspect of medial border of scapula extending from superior angle to the root of the spine
Nerve supply of levator scapulae
- C3, C4 (from cervical plexus)
- Nerve to rhomboids (C5): from brachial plexus
Actions of elevator scapulae
- Elevates the scapula and fixes it
- Rotates the scapula downwards
- Lateral flexor of the neck (when scapula is fixed)