Extras Flashcards
Program and the project hierarchy
Projects within programme or portfolio > sub projects or sub content ads within a project > work packages within a sub project > activities within a work package
Stakeholder identification
Stakeholder identification is performing a brainstorming exercise to list all possible stakeholders
Rationalise stakeholders into groups of common interest
Clarity of scoping
Scoping must ensure that the requirements stated by the clients are Smart
Bottom up estimation
Activities > work packages > phase > project
Activity on arrow
Circle with 1 points to circle with 2
Activity on node
Arrow then box with A and time then arrow pointing away
Risk register
The risk register provides a record of identified risks related relating the project, including their status and history
Risk identification techniques
Risk identification techniques:
Review lessons
Risk checklists
Risk prompt lists
Risk estimation techniques
Probability trees - a graphical rep of possible events and their associated probabilities
Expected value - quantification or risk by combining the cost of the risk impact with its associated probability giving a tangible risk value
Pareto analysis - tank or Oder risks once they have been assessed to determine the order in which they should be addressed
Probability impact grid - a grid containing ranking values that may be used to rank threats and opportunities qualitatively
Risk budget
A risk budget is a sum of money set aside to fund specific management responses to the projects threats and opportunities
Fast tracking
Project to be completed in less than 70% of the time required to do a traditional project
Stakeholder mapping
Interest low and power:
Low low monitor
Low interst high power keep satisfied
High interest low power keep informed
High high manage closely
Audience prioritisation Matrix
Importance of the issue to the audience
Influence of the audience on the issue
Anything high for both would be priority audience
Anything mid would be secondary
Anything low would be ignore
Traditional pm approach
Concentrated on thorough, upfront planning of the entire project
Requires a high degree of predictability to be effective
Agile project management
Relies on incremental iterative development cycles to complete less predictable projects
Is ideal for exploratory projects in which requirements need to be discovered and new technology tested
Focuses on active collaboration between the project team and customer representatives
Dis of agile pm
It does not satisfy topmanagement needs for budget, scope and schedule control
It’s principles of self organisation and close collaboration can be incompatible with cooperate cultures
It requires active customer involvement and cooperation
Variability is the difference between the safe and aggressive cost estimates and he larger the variability, the more the contingency will be.
A cost contingency for a project is determined as
Using variability in the individual cost estimates
Responsibility assignment Matriz
The responsibility assignment matrix maps specific resources to the work packages from the WBS. On a resource histogram, the use of resources is shown individually or by groups over time
Matrix organisation
The definition of a matrix organisation is about projects running across functional areas within an organisation. In a light weigh structure hé project manager is only coordinating activities, while in a heavy weight matrix structure they have mignonette authority. In both cases, the project manager might report to a portfolio / program managers but if he needs SPECIFIc Resources of a specific nature eg legal or finances he will need to request or direct the functional manager to provide such resources depending on his authority
Realisation principle
The realisation principle states that profits on sales are achieved immediately on the sale and delivery of products
To address quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement the quality management provides input to
The overall project plan
The control cycle includes
Monitoring, evaluation and control
When looking at a project life cycle, the level of uncertainty and risk is high
At start of the project
Ads of project based organisation
Well suited for innovation and learning
Flexibility high
High employee loyalty
Dis of pbo
I’ll suited for coordination of resources and capabilities
Organisational learning suffers
Danser of resource duplication across multiple
Due to across project mobility, careers and developments of employees might suffe e
Project life cycle characteristics
Defines beggining and end of project and is typically divided into phases / stages
Determines transactional action to take place at beginning an send of the project
Level of uncertainty and risk (high at start)
Resource allocation (grows to a max near the end)
stakeholder influences (highest at start)
Stakeholder identification
Perform a brainstorming exercise to list all possible stakeholders
Although stakeholders may be organisations or groups, the correct individuals person to communicate must be identified
Rationalise stakeholders into groups of common interests
Project planning
Initiate define and authorise the project planning
Why work authorisation
Formalises agreements between people delegating work and those accepting responsibility to do the work (SLA)
Forms the baseline for task and individual work
Serves as cost account for gals work
Authorises a project phase
Earned value concept
Integrates cost reporting with progress reporting
Represents an estimate of the percentage of work completed thus far
Schedule variance
Earned value - planned value
Tien variance
Sp (is date when PV = EV in time units)
SP - status date = Time variance
Cost variance
Project assurance includes the three focus areas of the project board namely
Business assurance
User assurance
Supplier assurance
Risk estimation techniques
Probability trees - a graphic rep of possible events
Expected value = quantification of risk by combining the cost of the risk impact with its associated probability giving a tangible risk value
Pareto analysis = tank an order risks once they have been assessed to determine the order in which they should be addressed
Probability impact grid = a grid containing ranking values that may be used to rank threats and opportunities quantitatively
A functional organisation
A functional organisation is a common type of organisational structure in which the organisation is divided into smaller groups based on specialised functional areas such as it finance or marketing
Flat organisation
A flat organisation refers to an organisation structure with few or no levels of management between management and staff level employees. The flat organisation supervised employees less while promoting their increased involvement in the decision making process
A pure project organisational model
A pure project organisational structure means one in which a project is housed within one functional division within a company