Extracted vocab Mishell, till May 17, 2024 Flashcards
A word or suffix that indicates smallness or endearment. Example: “Kitten” is a diminutive of “cat.”
Social butterfly
A person who is very sociable and enjoys engaging in social activities. Example: “She is a social butterfly, always mingling at parties.”
Yearn for
To have a strong desire or longing for something. Example: “He yearned for adventure.”
Click with
To immediately like and understand someone. Example: “I clicked with my new colleague right away.”
No longer close or affectionate to someone. Example: “They are estranged from their old friends.”
Present Perfect
A tense used to indicate an action that happened at an unspecified time before now. Example: “We have met before.”
A person one knows slightly but who is not a close friend. Example: “I met an old acquaintance at the event.”
Extremely annoying or displeasing. Example: “The delay was infuriating.”
Very angry. Example: “She was furious about the mistake.”
Extremely angry and shocked. Example: “He was outraged by the decision.”
Cardboard cutout
A flat figure or shape made of cardboard, often used for standees. Example: “The store had a cardboard cutout of a celebrity.”
Ski resort
A place where people go to ski, typically in the mountains. Example: “We spent the holidays at a ski resort.”
System of checks-and-balances
A system that ensures no one branch of government becomes too powerful. Example: “The constitution established a system of checks and balances.”
Struggling to move or obtain footing. Example: “The business was floundering during the recession.”
To forgive or excuse someone, especially for a serious crime. Example: “The president issued a pardon.”
Intimidation tactics
Methods used to frighten or coerce someone. Example: “They used intimidation tactics to get their way.”
Outward behavior or bearing. Example: “She had a calm demeanor during the interview.”
To receive something from a predecessor. Example: “She inherited her grandmother’s ring.”
To take a photo
To capture an image using a camera. Example: “I took a photo of the sunset.”
To release a film
To make a film available to the public. Example: “They released a film adaptation of the novel.”
To form a bond
To develop a close connection with someone or something. Example: “They formed a bond over their love of music.”
To be in good hands
To be well cared for. Example: “Don’t worry, your car is in good hands.”
Extremely annoying or displeasing. Example: “The delay was infuriating.”
To picturize
To adapt a story into a visual format like a film. Example: “The book was picturized into a movie.”
A man who engages in numerous casual sexual affairs with women. Example: “He was known as a womanizer.”
Witty humor
Clever and humorous. Example: “The comedian was known for his witty humor.”
To go through with something
To complete something that has been planned or promised. Example: “He decided to go through with the plan.”
Set in
To take place in a specific time or location. Example: “The novel is set in 19th century England.”
Passport control
The area at a border where passports are checked. Example: “We waited in line at passport control.”
Media response
The reaction of the media to an event or statement. Example: “The media response to the scandal was intense.”
The action of declaring something to be untrue. Example: “There was a denial of the allegations.”
Felony vs. misdemeanor
A felony is a serious crime, while a misdemeanor is a less serious offense. Example: “Theft can be classified as either a felony or a misdemeanor.”
Body language
Nonverbal communication through gestures and movements. Example: “Her body language showed she was nervous.”
Valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions that have been passed down from previous generations. Example: “We explored our cultural heritage.”
Very much; greatly. Example: “She thoroughly enjoyed the performance.”
Easily nauseated or disgusted. Example: “He felt squeamish at the sight of blood.”
Persuaded by propaganda or other means to believe something. Example: “They were brainwashed into following the cult.”
To decompress
To relax after a period of stress. Example: “She needed to decompress after the long flight.”
To spread fear unnecessarily. Example: “The politician was accused of fear-mongering.”
To gift
To give something as a present. Example: “She gifted him a watch.”
A person who speaks on behalf of a group or organization. Example: “The spokesperson addressed the media.”
To tie up loose ends
To resolve remaining issues. Example: “We need to tie up loose ends before the project is complete.”
Responses or replies. Example: “Her witty rejoinders kept the conversation lively.”