Extra Vocab Flashcards
una cifra espeluznante que ha cogido al vuelo alguno
a shocking/eerie figure that’s increased somewhat.
taken to some flight
sean quienes sean
whoever they may be
y gracias a ellas sabemos también que estos asesinatos fueron cometidos tanto por hombres como mujeres
and thanks to them we also know that these murders were committed by both men and women.
se da por hecho que
it is taken for granted that
las huellas
huellas de…… aún habitan…..
traces of…..still inhabit….(place)
to run
en recuerdo de
in memory of
en recuerdo de los miles de judíos ejecutados por los nazis en su orilla
in memory of the thousands of Jews executed by the Nazis on its shore
les ataban
They were tied
they shot
they went down together
se hundieran juntos
to push
the neck
la nuca