Extra facts! Flashcards
What is incidence of post maturity syndrome in post-term pregnancies?
- post maturity findings: decreased lanugo, decreased subQ fat, lack of vernix, oligo, meconium
What is preferred method of operative delivery before 34 weeks?
- vacuum contraindicated 2/2 risk cephalophematoma, retinal hemorrhage, intracranial hemorrhage
How do you differentiate between pituitary tumor and adrenal adenoma for Cushing’s?
pituitary gland secretes ACTH
- low dose dexamethasone: if normal physiology, should suppress ACTH so no more cortisol. if abusing steroids, this will suppress!
- high dose dexamethasone: used occasionally, should suppress ACTH. If NOT, then NOT a pituitary problem and its adrenal!
In surviving monochorion twin, what is risk of neurologic injury and death?
18% neurologic
15% death
In surviving dichorionic twin, what is risk of neurologic injury and death?
1% neurologic injury
3% death
What percent of female population has positive serology to HSV2?
What are maternal and fetal risks of untreated hypothyroidism?
- SAB, preterm delivery, abruption, gHTN/preE
- IUFD, low birth weight, neurodevelopment delays
What is recommended daily intake of vitamin d in pregnancy?
Calcium is 1200 mg
What are diagnostic criteria for diabetes?
- fasting BG >126
- plasma glucose >200 after 2hr 75g gTT
- a1c>6.5%
- random plasma glucose >200 w/ symptoms polyuria/polydipsia
After delivery, when is uterus no longer palpable on abdominal exam?
- at 4wks, its at pre-pregnancy size (weighs less than 100g)
When is late-term and post-term pregnancy?
Late-term: 41w0d to 41w6d
Post-term: 42wks + (Incidence of 5%)
What is a prolonged latent phase?
> 20 hr in nullip and >14hr in multip
What is fragile X premutation and what does it cause?
55-200 CGG repeats
- causes premature ovarian insufficiency!
-normal fragile X is 200 repeats but no POI!
When is fetus MOST sensitive to effects of ionizing radiation?
2-4 weeks is “all or none” - either die or no effects at all!
Who is high risk for infective endocarditis and needs prophylaxis?
- need prophylaxis for dental procedures and in labor!
- prosthetic cardiac valve, prior IE, cardiac transplant recipient with valve regurgitation
In cases of placenta previa, what is risk of accreta?
1st CS = 3%
2nd CS = 11%
3rd CS=40%