Extra Flashcards
What is linear probing
Can be used in hash tables to move through the structure one space at a time to find the next free space
What is chaining in relation to hahs
Each location points to start of a linked list the new item is added to the end of the linked list
ACID what is the A references to
Partially procesed thingy
Head html
Where you add meta data and link style sheet
Are arrays contiguous
What is a hash tables
Uses a hash function to compute an index into an array. Data is in the form of keys/values. A hash function is applied to the key. The hash is used to compute an index in the array where the data can be stored or read. “Random access” because it allows direct, “indexed” access to individual members in constant time.
What is a record
Group or collection of related fields under a single identifier.
Each field (variable) can have a different data type (unlike arrays).
Used in conjunction with arrays or lists e.g. a list of students.
What gets put onto the system stack when an interrupt is called
Contents of registers including program counter
Pieplining in the production line sense
The result from one process feeds into the next
How do do super.new
small embedded computers and signal processing (DSP).
Von nueman
Desktop pc
laoptops pc
phones tablets
return what is stored and innrer html to change
Polymorphism is a property of OOP that means objects can behave differently depending on their class. This can result in the same method producing different outputs depending on the object involved. There are two categories of polymorphism: overriding and overloading.
What can concurrent also be
Havinfg multiple processors each carrying out a different process
Breaking down single job into sub jopbs that are procesed in parrralel
Other uses of client side
Reduces load on server, manipulates user interface elements and reduces amount of web traffic
Server side uses
Further validation, queeries and updates server database, performs complex calcualtions, keeps organisation data secure
Methods behave dif depending on the object they called on
Where do you add internal css
Just inside html tags
embedded, signal process
Phones tablets
laptop, micro and embdded
Disadvantages of insertion soret
Does not scale well and is not good for large data sets
Advantages of insertion sort
Easy to implement
Good for small data sets that are almost sorted
Insertion sort generally performs quicker than bubble sort and is therefore preferable.
Why is insertion sort faster than bubble sort
With bubble sort, after the first pass with 4 comparisons (resulting in 1 swaps), 8 has bubbled to the top and the data set is sorted. However, as we have made some swaps a further pass must be made. This takes 3 comparisons giving a total of 7 comparisons.
With insertion sort, only 5 comparisons are needed in total.