Frogs and toads belong to the order, the
largest and the most diverse group of living amphibians
the toad, similar to the frog, is divided into two major layers
outer epidermis and the inner dermis
the outermost stratified layer of squamous
epithelial tissue of flattened, dead cells. This is the thin hardened or cornified layer constantly removed when the toad sheds its skin (ecdysis or molting)
stratum corneum
consisting of living and growing layer of stratified epithelial tissue. The cuboidal to columnar cells continuously divide and replace the constantly shed off stratum corneum of the skin.
stratum germinativum
At the junction of epidermis and dermis, specialized connective tissue which contains pigments. Specifically, they contain a row of black pigment containing cells called melanophores which are in large part responsible for the color of the skin.
The dermis, or inner layer of skin, is divided into two sublayers
stratum laxum/ spongiosum, stratum compactum
outer sublayer immediately below the stratum germinativum. It consists of loosely arranged connective tissue and blood vessels. It is the layer where the body of cutaneous glands are situated, thus giving it a spongy appearance. Numerous glands are found in this layer.
stratum laxum/ spongiosum
possess a thin epithelial wall, and the smaller and more numerous, bigger
poison glands
have thicker walls, smaller glands
mucous glands
composed of the head and the trunk,
axial region
head and the trunk are broadly joined by a very _____ thereby restricting movement of the head
short neck
most anterior portion of the head
openings at the tip of the snout
external nares
dorsolateral portion of the head, posterior to the exterior nares
bulging eyes
keeps the eyes moist when underwater
transparent nictitating membrane
Posterolateral to the eye is an ovoid region of tightly drawn skin, covering the auditory canal
tympanic membrane
Behind the tympanic membrane at each side of the head is a large swelling
paratoid gland/ poison gland
most posterior part of the trunk, on the dorsal side
cloacal aperture
made up of the forelimbs (anterior pair) and the hindlimbs (posterior pair).
appendicular region
rudimentary thumb
sixth rudimentary toe called
1. The skin on the ventral side of the head near the angles of the jaw has a distinct dark pigmentation due to concentration of pigments.
- The thumb pads of inner fingers are enlarged or “swollen”. These are used during amplexus or false copulation.
- Sexually mature male frogs are generally smaller than female.
1. The pigments are diffused; hence, there is no distinct pigmentation at this area.
2. The thumb pads of the inner fingers are not “swollen”
3. Sexually mature female frogs are relatively bigger than male.