Extensive Vocabulary ⭐✅ Flashcards
What does esoteric mean?
Something that is only understood by a select few people with specialised knowledge or interest
What does meretricious mean?
Attractive on the surface, but in reality having no real value
What does trepidation mean?
A nervous or fearful feeling of anxiety or worry
What does bereft mean?
Deprived or lacking of something; without something
What does magnanimous mean
Generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful person
What does insipid mean?
Dull & boring
What does perfidious mean?
Someone who ius unloyal, untrustworthy or decietful
What does benevolent mean?
A kind, warm-hearted person
What does heinous mean?
A wrongful act
What does sanctimonious mean?
When a person believes that they are morally superior to others & they are trying to make it known
What does dissonant mean?
Not agreeing with or having the same views/ opinions as other people
What does subordniate mean?
Someone in lower rank/ position than someone else
What does inferior mean?
Opposite to superior
What is a microcosm?
When something small represents a worldy/bigger issue
What does horripilation mean?
Another word for goosebumps/ erection of hairs due to cold, fear, or excitement.
What does coruscate mean?
To give off or reflect light in bright beams or flashes; to shine
What does exuberant mean?
To be full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness
What does quarrelsome mean?
To be argumentative
What does intrinsic mean?
Being an extremely important and basic characteristic of a person or thing; vital
What does fictitious mean?
Invented/ imaginary and not true or not existing
What does advocate mean?
To publicly support or suggest an idea
What does detrimental mean?
To cause harm or damage
What does irrevocable mean?
Something done in a way that is impossible to change
What does capacious mean?
Very spacious
What is a misanthrope?
A person who dislikes humankind
What does ameliorate mean?
To improve or enhance something
What does abhor mean?
To hate or detest something
What does paragon mean?
A model of excellence or perfection
What does stoic mean?
To show no emotion or reaction
What does felicity mean?
A state of happiness or joy
What does surreptitious mean?
To be secretive
What does incredulous mean?
Unwilling or unable to believe something