Expressions With Collocations Flashcards
The house was so clean that there wasn’t a speck of dust anywhere
Un grain de poussière
A gust of wind blew the papers onto the floor
Un coup de vent
I think I’ll stay here for the time being. Maybe I’ll come with you later.
Pour l’heure
Pour le moment
The detective was sure that James was guilty, even though he didn’t have a shred of evidence
Une once de preuve
La moindre preuve
John is coming to help us! That’s a stroke of luck !
Un coup de chance
All the books must be checked very carefully before we publish them, to maintain standards
Respecter les normes, les critères de qualité
He never volunteers for any projects and always shirks responsibility
Fuir les responsabilités
She really isn’t sure if she can meet the deadline. There’s still a lot of work to do.
Respecter les délais
I think if we call the client now and explain, we can avert a disaster
Eviter un désastre
Quick as a flash, she jumped up and opened the door
En un clin d’oeil
En un rien de temps
They have lived on the island since immemorial time
Depuis des temps immémoriaux, la nuit des temps
He only got up the mountain due to sheer determination
Détermination inébranlable
He caught the vase in the nick of time
Juste à temps
De justesse
Au bon moment
I have a sneaking suspicion that the children have eaten all the ice cream
Avoir comme l’impression, le sentiment de…
I have seen a marked improvement in your work
Net amélioration
Amélioration notable
Do they have even one redeeming quality ?
Une qualité qui sauve, rachète, relève le niveau
She has an uncanny ability for spotting when people are lying
Etrange capacité
Aptitude surprenante
We had a wonderful holiday and meeting you was the icing on the cake
La cerise sur le gâteau