Electron cloud forming when the cathode filament is heated through milliamperage
Thermionic Emission
Increased mA = more heat = __________ _________
Increased electrons
What is time in x ray settings
Length of exposure/ time of x ray production (sec)
Time has an inverse relationship with
2 Advantages of Decreased Time
*Remember, if you decrease the time, you must increase the mA to prevent altering the quality of the image.
- Decreased motion artifact
- Decreased personnel exposure
Energy / sec through an area perpendicular to beam direction
Beam “Quantity” or “Intensity”
If you increase the mA, you must decrease the time to prevent altering the quality of the image. What would be an advantage to increasing the mA?
Obtaining images of thicker parts
Because mA and time have an inverse relationship, when one is increased the other must be _____________ to prevent altering the quality of the image.
What exactly is mAs?
mA x Time (in seconds)
Electron number is proportional to
(increased mA = increased electrons)