Exposure txs Flashcards
Common elemnts of exposure
- assessment
- psychoed
- prolonged exposure
- processing
2 basic paradigms of exposure tx
- brief and graduated
2. prolonged and intense
first 2 exposure txs (brief)
- systematic desensitization
2. in vivo desensitization
Examples of prolonged and intense exposure txs
- in vivo flooding
- imaginal flooding
- implosure therapy
brief and graduated (description)
exposes clients to threatening events for short period of time and incrementally
- beginning w aspects of the events that produce minimal anxiety and progressing to more anxiety provoking aspects
prolonged and intense (description)
exposes client to threatening events for a lengthy period of time at a high intensity from the outset
Modes of exposure
- In vivo - ACTUALLY exposed
2. Imaginal - vividly imagine scene
Competing response
during exposure, client engages in a bx that competes w anxiety such as relaxing muscles while visualizing the anxiety-evoking event
Response prevention
during tx, cl kept from engaging in the maladaptive avoidance or escape bxs typically used to reduce anxiety
Exaggerated scenes
to heighten intensity or vividness or imaginal exposure
Mechanisms of effect - systematic desensitization - Wolpe and counterconditioning
Brief/graduated exposure counters classical conditioned by associating the anxiety evoking event with relaxation or another anxiety competing response
- learn new assoc – anxiety event and competing response
Limitation of counterconditioning
brief/grad works w/out competing response
Mechanisms of effect - systematic desensitization - Wolpe and reciprocal inhibition
During brief/graduated exposure – cl’s anxiety (sympathetic) is inhibited by reciprocal or opposite physiological response ie relaxation (parasympathetic)
2 premises
1. first, anxiety increases and system is aroused
2. then relaxing stimulus starts to override it
Mech of effect - systematic desensitization - extinction
pairing is broken in brief/graduated exposure when the cl is repeatedly exposed to the conditioned stimulus (speaking in class) in the absence of the unconditioned stimulus (being laughed at)
Mech of effect - systematic desens - cog formulation
Self schema, shift in cognitive structure
- Thinking about situations more realistically
- Lead clients to expect that they will be less anxious
- Strengthen the clients’ beliefs that they are capable of coping with their anxiety
Mech of effect - prolonged
- Operant extinction
- habituation process
What is learned in systematic desensitization
CC does not entail acquisition of a new response
- but instead the connection of an existing response to a new stimulus
Components of sys desens
- Assessment
- Relaxation training
- Constructing an anxiety hierarchy
- Desensitization
Factors affecting effectiveness of sys desens - facilitative
- Repeated safe exposure to anxiety-evoking situations
- In a gradual manner
- While engaging in a competing response
essential component for effectiveness for sys desens
= repeated exposure to anxiety evoking situations without the client experiencing any negative consequences (there are exceptions)
desensitization can be effective when
- exposed to the highest items in the hierarchy first or only the highest items
- with or without relaxation
Counterconditioning and aversive counterconditioning:
maladaptive bx paired with aversive stimulus to weaken the maladaptive bx response
Coping desensitization
- Bodily sensations of anxiety are used to cue the cl to engage in coping response such as muscle relaxation
Hybrid form of coping desensitization:
active-imaginal exposure –> physically perform coping response
Coping desensitization differs from std in the following ways:
- Cl stays w the scene
- Instructed to use relaxation to cope
- continues visualizing and thinking thoughts like “I am handling this” - Anx hierarchy does NOT need a common theme
Rather than just terminate scene and relax, as in std desens
Generic name for prolonged/intense exposure bc cl is flooded w anxiety for prolonged period
- NO feared consequences occur
In vivo flooding
Prolonged/intense exposure to actual anxiety producing stimuli