export_movement disorders Flashcards
Basal Ganglia structures
-Involved in motor control and planning as well as emotions, cognition, and eye movements -Caudate & Putamen ( striatum) Putamen & globus pallidus (lenticular nuc) -putamen, GP, Caudate nucleus, subthalmic nucleus, and substantia nigra -Reciprocal connections to cortex via thalamus -Main site of dopamine for 3/4 pathways: nigrostriatal, mesolimbic, mesocortical
-‘dance-like; irregular, asymmetric, random and continuous. not rhythmic but flow from one group to another. -Athetosis: snake-like: slow twisting/writhing- more distal muscles of fingers, arms, legs, neck
Violent, involuntary flailing of extremities
-most common - rhythmic movement due to alternating contractions between agonist and antagonist
-Random, repetitive, rapid, purposeless that occur at random intervals -Motor or vocal - Semi-voluntary: can be suppressed with hard concentration
rapid, brief, uncontrollablejerks
sustained, abnormal posture caused by simultaneous activation of both agonist and antagonist muscles
subjective sense of inner restlessness where pts feel compelled to move continuously
Parkinson’s disease-cardinal
-Resting tremor, disappears with movement/sleep -Rigidity- cogwheel -Akinesia/Bradykinesia: slowness of movement -Postural instability- shuffling, festinating gait, freezing
PD:other symptoms
depression, apathy, make facies, anosmia, dysphagia, dysarthria, micrographia, autonomic dysfunction, Rem sleep disturbances
PD pathopysiology
-only shows up when 80% neurons at Sn gone -Lewy Bodies -Clinical dx but DaTscan can be used. to check for DA transporters
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
-Taupathy, no tx -Reptilian stare, vertical gaze parlies ( esp down), -Hummingbird, MMouse sign in MRI (smaller MRI) -Mood changes, progressive mild dementia -Spectacular falls early on
Essential Tremor
-Action tremor - OFten b/l -Often familial -Improves with alcohol - Lack of bradykinesia, rigidity, gait abnormalities -Much more common than PD
Essential Tremor-TX
-Propanolol/Inderal (non-selective) -Primidone -DON’T want b1 blockers
Med induced Parkinsonianism
High potency anti-psychotics and anti-emetics
-Lack of med response -Wide based gate -Eye movement problems -Symmetric onset -Rapid onset –within 5 yrs - Early onset falling -Prominent autonomic dysfunction
-Carbidopa/levadopa -Carbadopa prevents conversion of levadopa to DA, also doesn’t cross BBB - Levadopa then can be converted in CNS -Can cause dyskinesias - Psych side effects
Requip/Ropinirole OR Mirapex/Pramipexole
-CI in elderly due to psych SE - DA Agonist; first line -Less powerful but good for early stage - Can cause disinhibition
COMT inhibitors
-entacapone, tolcapone -Usually with Sinemet and prolongs it ( delays wearing off) -Blocks enzyme that breaks down levadopa
Other PD drugs
amantadine, MAO-inhibitors (selegiline), -Anti-ACH such as trihexyphenidyl (Artane)
-hot crossed buns sign
Huntington’s Disease
- Atrophy of head of caudate - Boxcar ventricle -Late onset ( >40 y.o) - AD, CAG repeats with anticipation; Chr 4 - > 40 repeats is associated with disease -familial dementia; Chorea, psychosis -tx : haloperidol; tetrabenazine ( DA depleting) -relentless deterioration and death after 15 yrs
Chorea Gravidarum
-Occurs in pregnant ladies
Syndenham’s Chorea
-from childhood infection with Group b hemolytic strep and occurs in its with rheumatic fever
Wilson’s Disease
-Abnormal Cu accumulation -Hepatolenticular degeneration -KF rings in descemet’s membrane, giant panda sign in midbrain - Low serum ceruloplasmin ( 50 mcg/day elevated LFTS: AST, ASLT, PT&PTT; low albumin -AR disease
Wilson’s disease –presentation
-Wing flap tremor -Mood/Psych symptoms
Wilson’s Disease TX
-Low Cu diet (no chocolate, nuts, shellfish) -Zn salts block absorption -Trientine> Penicillamine (chelators) -Severe Liver tx
CO poisoning
-Parkinsonism -B/l signal abnromality in Glob pallidus
-Treatment of choice for torticolis/ Blepherospasm (involuntary, forceful closure of the eyelids)
Restless Leg Syndrome
-Uncomfortable sensation: starts during rest, relief w/ movement, worsening of symptoms int he evening. -Often precedes more serious PD; can be SE of SSRI’s -Check for Fe defeciency -1st line: DA agonist, i.e. roperinole
Akathisia Tx
treat with propranolol/inderal
Tx for fever/rigidity with haloperidol
Dopamine agonists ie. bromocriptine CCB (ie. Dantrolene is also used)
obscene gestures in Tourette’s
-Obscene vocalizations
Hepatic encephalopathy
- AMS, spider angiomas,icteric sclera, increased muscle tone, hyperreflexia, and + Babanski -+ asterixis -tx: lactulose
Tourette’s dx
Both multiple motor and at least one vocal tic Tic that occurs many times a day ( usually in bouts) nearly everyday or intermittently through a period of more than 1 yr. during this period there is never a tic free interval greater thAn 3 months. Before 18 yo
Tourette’s tx
Guanfacine/tenex or clonidine Antipsychotics like haldol and risperdal are also. In refractory, terra benzine is an option Tx when child is bothered not parent
Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections is neuro-psych disorder that also manifests with tics and OCD symptoms
If a patient presents with a head tremor, the most likely cause is?
Essential tremor
What type of tremor begins at rest and intensifies with movement?
Rubral tumor 2/2 midbrain injury that interferes a/ cerebellar outflow tracts Low hz freq (3-5) compared to pd (5-7) or physiologic (10-12)