export_headache Flashcards
Chronic Headache
> 15 days a month
Episodic Tention Type HA
- At least 10 episodes occurring
Chronic TTH
-same criteria as before but >15 days/mo.
Secondary HA
-New Daily Persistant -World Trade Center HA -Associated with concussion, IC tumor, SDH/SAH -May often be seen in Migraineurs
New Daily Persistent HA
Unambiguously daily, unremitting from less than 24 hours after onset.
-1:4 households - Peak 25-55 - F>M ( esp w. hormones, around puberty)
Migraine RF
-mood disorders, allergies, chronic pain, epilepsy -w/aura -> associated with ischemic stroke -Anxiety in childhood associated with development of HA later -Cyclic vomiting.trvael sickness, somnambulism are equivilants in children
-Stress, perfume,light, foods, lack of sleep - Hypothalamus, limbic and cortical areas –> superior salivatory nucleus -Spreading depression in trigeminal nucleus ( vasodilators and make non-noxious chemicals seem noxious) - Also spread back to nucleus
one of the following =aura -homonymous visual disturbance -u/l paresthesias and/or numbness -u/l weakness -Aphasia or unclassified speech difficulty
Superior Salivatory Nucleus
olfaction, hearing, physiological functions ( food and sleep deprivation), emotion, hormonal secretions
Migraine Diagnostic Criteria
-Attacks 4-72 hrs -2/4: u/l, pulsating, moderate-severe, aggravated by/ causing avoidance of physical activity -1/2: n/v or photophobia/phonophobia -Not attributed to other disorder
Cluster HA
5 attacks fulfilling following -Severe -very severe u/l orbital, supraorbital, temporal pain ( 15-180 min) -& 1/: ipsi conjunctival injection/lacrimation, nasal congestion/rhinorrhea, eyelid edema, forehead/facial sweating, miosis/ptosis, sense of restlessness/agitation -1-8/day
Cluster HA TX
-100% oxygen
Idiopathic IC HTN
-Pseudotumor cerebri-classically in young obese women-dec CSF absorption - Associated with excess Vit A -May have papilledema-b/l vision loss is feared -Often sneezing coughing brings out vision loss -Imaging: normal-slit like ventricles ; empty sella
Pseudotumor cerebri TX
- LP-to decrease pressure and also document pressure -Acetazolamide-carbonic anhydrase inhibitor -Shunt -Optic nerve fenestration -Weight loss/bariatric surgery
Temporal Arteritis
-Giant cells within blood vessels–extracranial carotid -Can lead to u/l visual loss - Common >60; indolent temple ha -Jaw claudication/ polymyalgia rheumatica - bx to diagnose -TX: prednisone
Common Migraine
w.o aura
Classic Migraine
with aura
Basilar migraines
visual disturbances, vertigo, confusion, BStem dysfunction
Familial hemiplegic migraine
AD manifested by hemiparesis during aura. +/- ataxia, changes in level of consciousness
Ophthalmic Migraines
retro-orbital pain and CN3,4,6
Migraine TX
-abortive-Sumatriptan-Contraindicated in coronary artery disease
Migraine -prophylaxis
->2 month or disturbing to work - tx- antiepeleptics, tricyclics, riboflavin (B2), CCb, beta-blockers. -Topimarate most common
Headache Red Flags
-older person w/o history -Anything with focal neurologic defects/personality changes - HA in IC person -Worse in the morning -Associated with signs of systemic disease-fever, weight loss etc
Intracranial Hypotension
enhancement of the meninges Bstem sagging tx-autologous blood patch
Closed Angle glaucoma- acute angle closure
timolol drops
Closed angle glaucoma
10% in us. More common in Asian countries 10% with acute angle closure crisis
Acute angle closure crisis
Emergency Sudden ocular pain, halos around lights, red eye, very high interoccular pressure (>30 mmHg) Nausea, vomiting, suddenly decreased vision, fixed, mid- dilated pupil. Sometimes oval pupil
> 15 days a month
Chronic Headache
- At least 10 episodes occurring
Episodic Tention Type HA
-same criteria as before but >15 days/mo.
Chronic TTH
-New Daily Persistant -World Trade Center HA -Associated with concussion, IC tumor, SDH/SAH -May often be seen in Migraineurs
Secondary HA
Unambiguously daily, unremitting from less than 24 hours after onset.
New Daily Persistent HA
-1:4 households - Peak 25-55 - F>M ( esp w. hormones, around puberty)
-mood disorders, allergies, chronic pain, epilepsy -w/aura -> associated with ischemic stroke -Anxiety in childhood associated with development of HA later -Cyclic vomiting.trvael sickness, somnambulism are equivilants in children
Migraine RF
-Stress, perfume,light, foods, lack of sleep - Hypothalamus, limbic and cortical areas –> superior salivatory nucleus -Spreading depression in trigeminal nucleus ( vasodilators and make non-noxious chemicals seem noxious) - Also spread back to nucleus
one of the following =aura -homonymous visual disturbance -u/l paresthesias and/or numbness -u/l weakness -Aphasia or unclassified speech difficulty
olfaction, hearing, physiological functions ( food and sleep deprivation), emotion, hormonal secretions
Superior Salivatory Nucleus
-Attacks 4-72 hrs -2/4: u/l, pulsating, moderate-severe, aggravated by/ causing avoidance of physical activity -1/2: n/v or photophobia/phonophobia -Not attributed to other disorder
Migraine Diagnostic Criteria
5 attacks fulfilling following -Severe -very severe u/l orbital, supraorbital, temporal pain ( 15-180 min) -& 1/: ipsi conjunctival injection/lacrimation, nasal congestion/rhinorrhea, eyelid edema, forehead/facial sweating, miosis/ptosis, sense of restlessness/agitation -1-8/day
Cluster HA
-100% oxygen
Cluster HA TX
-Pseudotumor cerebri-classically in young obese women-dec CSF absorption - Associated with excess Vit A -May have papilledema-b/l vision loss is feared -Often sneezing coughing brings out vision loss -Imaging: normal-slit like ventricles ; empty sella
Idiopathic IC HTN
- LP-to decrease pressure and also document pressure -Acetazolamide-carbonic anhydrase inhibitor -Shunt -Optic nerve fenestration -Weight loss/bariatric surgery
Pseudotumor cerebri TX
-Giant cells within blood vessels–extracranial carotid -Can lead to u/l visual loss - Common >60; indolent temple ha -Jaw claudication/ polymyalgia rheumatica - bx to diagnose -TX: prednisone
Temporal Arteritis
w.o aura
Common Migraine
with aura
Classic Migraine
visual disturbances, vertigo, confusion, BStem dysfunction
Basilar migraines
AD manifested by hemiparesis during aura. +/- ataxia, changes in level of consciousness
Familial hemiplegic migraine
retro-orbital pain and CN3,4,6
Ophthalmic Migraines
-abortive-Sumatriptan-Contraindicated in coronary artery disease
Migraine TX
->2 month or disturbing to work - tx- antiepeleptics, tricyclics, riboflavin (B2), CCb, beta-blockers. -Topimarate most common
Migraine -prophylaxis
-older person w/o history -Anything with focal neurologic defects/personality changes - HA in IC person -Worse in the morning -Associated with signs of systemic disease-fever, weight loss etc
Headache Red Flags
enhancement of the meninges Bstem sagging tx-autologous blood patch
Intracranial Hypotension
timolol drops
Closed Angle glaucoma- acute angle closure
10% in us. More common in Asian countries 10% with acute angle closure crisis
Closed angle glaucoma
Emergency Sudden ocular pain, halos around lights, red eye, very high interoccular pressure (>30 mmHg) Nausea, vomiting, suddenly decreased vision, fixed, mid- dilated pupil. Sometimes oval pupil
Acute angle closure crisis