export_dementia Flashcards
-Impairment in 2/5 functional domains–memory, emotion, executive, language, visuospatial—that effects activities of daily living ( ADLs) - Distinguished from delirium by lack of fluctuating course
Mild Cognitive Impairment
-Does not meet dementia criteria bc there was no impairment in function -risk factor for progression to dementia is 15% (10x normal population)
Alzheimer’s Disease -Criteria
->65 - Abnormal results on cognitive screening and neuropsychological tests - Deficits in >=2 cognitive domains -Progression over time -No disturbances of consciousness -40-90 y/o no other brain disease
Alzheimer’s Disease-Patho
-Extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular tangles of tau protein -Family history: amyloid precursor -Increased risk with more apolioprotein e4 alleles _associated with Downs
Dementia w/ Lewy Bodies
-Prominent visual hallucinations -Parkinsonianism - Fluctuating concentration and attention * (differentiates from PD) - Same path as Parkinson’s Sleep disturbances and hypotension -A-synuclein
Frontotemporal Dementia
3rd most common - behavioral disinhibition, personal hygiene, apathy, or the progressive loss of language function; memory ok; younger age -2 patterns: apathy, abulia, mutism or dish inhibition, poor judgement, and antisocial behavior
Huntington’s Disease
AD -CAG repeats on chromosome 4 -Chorea,dementia, and death in 15 yrs
Huntington’s disease-radiology
- -Boxcar ventricles ( atrophy of caudate head)
Progressie Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)
-Dementia, rigidity, loss of vertical eye movements, and devastating falls early in disease course
Progressie Supranuclear Palsy-Radiology
-Hummingbird sign =atrophy of midbrain
Dementia workup
- Look for reversible modifiable cause ( 10% of its)-BMP, renal function, TSH, serology for syphilis, B12, UA, tox screen, HIV test. 2. Neuroimaging if others unrevealing (MRI in all dementia patients at least once)
Metabolic Causes of Dementia
-Na (central pontine myelonosis) -Glucose -Ca2+ (deposits) -Hepatic encepalopathy -Renal Failure -Copper-in basal ganglia
Endocrine causes of Dementia
-Thyroid -PTH
Infectious causes of dementia
-Syphilis -HIV-white matter hyper density w.o mass effect -Herpes encephalopathy-hemorrhagic necrosis of inferior frontal and temporal ( asymmetric) -PML-diffuse white matter disease
Vitamin causes of dementia
-B12-dorsal columns; NO -Thiamine-Wernicke’s->atrophied mammillary bodies
Drugs-heroine, CMO Medications
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
-Wet, wobbly, wacky -May be consequence of previous pathology in subarachnoid space (SAH, meningitis) -
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus-TX/complications
-Shunt - candidates–presence of etiology on imaging, gait difficulties>cognitive imp, substantial improvement with removal of CSF, and lack of atrophy and white matter lesions -May get SDH
Vascular Dementia
-Step-wise; focal deficits -RF: HTN, DM, smoking, lipids -hippocampus/medial thalamus, caudate nucleus -Often with other dementing processes
Limbic/Paraneoplastic Encephalitis
-Young -Rapid -Prominent psych symtoms - Ovarian teratomas common in young females
-Rapidly progressive -FATAL-no intervention helps -Prion->spongiform changes -MRI: increased signal in BG and thalamus -Prion disease
Neuro-psych when…
-Help distinguish depression -Differentiate dementias -Helps identify strengths/weaknesses to guide tx
Red flags: rapid dementia, IC host, focal neuro/ movement disorders, signs of systemic illness
Alzheimer treatment- Early
Charles Bonnet Syndrome
-Mentally healthy, significant visual loss - typical hallucinations include small animals and people -Understand hallucinations not real
Ganser syndrome
-“syndrome of approximate answers”
Kluver Bucy
-Bilateral amygdalae lesion - hypersexuality, plaicidity, hyperphagia/hyperorality, and visual agnosia.
Wernike-Korsakoff syndrome
-Necrosis of mamillary bodies -From chronic alcohol - def of Thiamine/B1 -Confabulation-making false memories -Changes of mental status from IV glucose
Wernike-Korsakoff syndrome-sx
ataxia, encephalopathy,eye movement abnormality
Transient Global Amnesia
-complete/reversible -no tx -migraine phenomenon -emotional event/ sexual activity
CJD dx
ESP signs like hypokinesia and cerebellar manifestations like nystagmus and ataxia -MRI, LP CSF and look for 14-3-3 and phosphorylated tau. Brain bx =GS
Pick’s disease
Disinhibition, apathy, language disturbances. < 65 and also memory relatively unaffected More rapid progression
Limbic encephalitis
Lung but in young females due to ovrin teratomas
-Impairment in 2/5 functional domains–memory, emotion, executive, language, visuospatial—that effects activities of daily living ( ADLs) - Distinguished from delirium by lack of fluctuating course
-Does not meet dementia criteria bc there was no impairment in function -risk factor for progression to dementia is 15% (10x normal population)
Mild Cognitive Impairment
->65 - Abnormal results on cognitive screening and neuropsychological tests - Deficits in >=2 cognitive domains -Progression over time -No disturbances of consciousness -40-90 y/o no other brain disease
Alzheimer’s Disease -Criteria
-Extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular tangles of tau protein -Family history: amyloid precursor -Increased risk with more apolioprotein e4 alleles _associated with Downs
Alzheimer’s Disease-Patho
-Prominent visual hallucinations -Parkinsonianism - Fluctuating concentration and attention * (differentiates from PD) - Same path as Parkinson’s Sleep disturbances and hypotension -A-synuclein
Dementia w/ Lewy Bodies
3rd most common - behavioral disinhibition, personal hygiene, apathy, or the progressive loss of language function; memory ok; younger age -2 patterns: apathy, abulia, mutism or dish inhibition, poor judgement, and antisocial behavior
Frontotemporal Dementia
AD -CAG repeats on chromosome 4 -Chorea,dementia, and death in 15 yrs
Huntington’s Disease
- -Boxcar ventricles ( atrophy of caudate head)
Huntington’s disease-radiology
-Dementia, rigidity, loss of vertical eye movements, and devastating falls early in disease course
Progressie Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)
-Hummingbird sign =atrophy of midbrain
Progressie Supranuclear Palsy-Radiology
- Look for reversible modifiable cause ( 10% of its)-BMP, renal function, TSH, serology for syphilis, B12, UA, tox screen, HIV test. 2. Neuroimaging if others unrevealing (MRI in all dementia patients at least once)
Dementia workup
-Na (central pontine myelonosis) -Glucose -Ca2+ (deposits) -Hepatic encepalopathy -Renal Failure -Copper-in basal ganglia
Metabolic Causes of Dementia
-Thyroid -PTH
Endocrine causes of Dementia
-Syphilis -HIV-white matter hyper density w.o mass effect -Herpes encephalopathy-hemorrhagic necrosis of inferior frontal and temporal ( asymmetric) -PML-diffuse white matter disease
Infectious causes of dementia
-B12-dorsal columns; NO -Thiamine-Wernicke’s->atrophied mammillary bodies
Vitamin causes of dementia
Drugs-heroine, CMO Medications
-Wet, wobbly, wacky -May be consequence of previous pathology in subarachnoid space (SAH, meningitis) -
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
-Shunt - candidates–presence of etiology on imaging, gait difficulties>cognitive imp, substantial improvement with removal of CSF, and lack of atrophy and white matter lesions -May get SDH
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus-TX/complications
-Step-wise; focal deficits -RF: HTN, DM, smoking, lipids -hippocampus/medial thalamus, caudate nucleus -Often with other dementing processes
Vascular Dementia
-Young -Rapid -Prominent psych symtoms - Ovarian teratomas common in young females
Limbic/Paraneoplastic Encephalitis
-Rapidly progressive -FATAL-no intervention helps -Prion->spongiform changes -MRI: increased signal in BG and thalamus -Prion disease
-Help distinguish depression -Differentiate dementias -Helps identify strengths/weaknesses to guide tx
Neuro-psych when…
Red flags: rapid dementia, IC host, focal neuro/ movement disorders, signs of systemic illness
Alzheimer treatment- Early
-Mentally healthy, significant visual loss - typical hallucinations include small animals and people -Understand hallucinations not real
Charles Bonnet Syndrome
-“syndrome of approximate answers”
Ganser syndrome
-Bilateral amygdalae lesion - hypersexuality, plaicidity, hyperphagia/hyperorality, and visual agnosia.
Kluver Bucy
-Necrosis of mamillary bodies -From chronic alcohol - def of Thiamine/B1 -Confabulation-making false memories -Changes of mental status from IV glucose
Wernike-Korsakoff syndrome
ataxia, encephalopathy,eye movement abnormality
Wernike-Korsakoff syndrome-sx
-complete/reversible -no tx -migraine phenomenon -emotional event/ sexual activity
Transient Global Amnesia
ESP signs like hypokinesia and cerebellar manifestations like nystagmus and ataxia -MRI, LP CSF and look for 14-3-3 and phosphorylated tau. Brain bx =GS
CJD dx
Disinhibition, apathy, language disturbances. < 65 and also memory relatively unaffected More rapid progression
Pick’s disease
Lung but in young females due to ovrin teratomas
Limbic encephalitis