export_cambodia exam Flashcards
Khmer Rouge
- 60-80k troops that took over Cambodia in 1975/6
- led by pol pot
- took decades for UN to round all of khmer rouge; not tried until 2012
- prosecuted christianity and buddhism
Attitude when Khmer Rouge took over
-initially very happy then went downhill
Phnom Penh
- khmer empire disappears around 1430 and temples are abandoned and people move here and city grew
- population grew to 2 million by 1970 and khmer rouge empties phnom penh
Prince Sihanouk
- became head of state in ‘60 and stepped down from king to become figure head
- ‘66 lon nol takes control from sihanouk
-destabilized cambodia to split govt and spark civil war
Richard Nixon
- bombed north cambodia w/out permission and violated neutrality treaty
- called cambodia operation would protect american forces
- nixon doctrine
- was NOT transparent and congress over bombing of cambodia; didn’t tell ppl what was going on
of ppl killed
2 million nearly 1 in 4 cambodian
US bombing of Cambodia
-broke neutrality; started at borders and went in ‘70 on real campaign where US bombed; nixon doctrin w/ no boots on ground
Lon Nol
-‘70 lon nol takes control from sihanouk and becomes head of state important b/c this destabilizes cambodia and splits govt to civil war
2) Pol Pot’s Life
- born in 1925, born into rich big family
- went to study with buddhist monks around the time of french colonial rule
- learned about cambodia’s past and ancient civilization was destroyed by foreign invaders
- opposed french and monarachy
2) Pol Pot’s development into communism
- joined colonial communist; radical blend of communism and nationalism
- hx prof by day and night formed angka organization
-influenced by chinese revolution
2) pol pot’s speech
- influenced by chinese revolution
- thought he could do even better by eliminating all traces of modern world and all educated/art/cities were evil
- speech in ‘63 that wanted to inspire revolution, sihanouk shut him down
- moved to vietnamese border in jungle
2) pol pot’s development
- vietnam war was crucial
- pol pot’s new ally is now sihanouk bc he was overthrown by lon nol and promised to make him king
-khmer rouge took over phnom penh w/ initial celebration but later made ppl move to rurual areas and anyone w/education/modernization were killed
2) pol pot reign
- communist
- paranoid thought vietnam was going to invade cambodia so he bombed them and lost
-vietnam took capital and US supported the khmer rouge and pol pot b/c they were against vietnam