Explanations for the emergence of GSMs Flashcards
McGrew (92)
Defines Globalization as the process whereby societies, communities and individuals are increasingly interconnected around the world. Nations can share their views.
People finding their identities outside of the workplace form collective identities and some people have to look abroad for this. They find their identity collectively like people do now through globalization.
New Right
Globalization is down to the collapse of communism and the international establishment of free markets. Because people are allowed access to the economy through the share market, they have the ability to form relationships around the globe.
Hirst (93)
The state does still have some power - NSMs based on such loose associations and networks they contribute virtually nothing to political life - they are too fragmented to challenge effectively the distribution of power.
More about culture - globalization seen as further evidence of Americanization. Cultural homogenization is happening. People are related through brands because they are available globally.
Looks at economic inequality and how globalization leads to a widening gap between the rich and the poor and GSMs form as a response of the people against this.
Cultural resistance
Seen by movements to resist globalization e.g. the French State passing legislation to reverse Americanization of their language and culture.
Tunstall (97)
Says there is a global dominance of American culture
Seattle Riots (99)
Anti-globalization riots - form of cultural resistance by at least 40,000 people.
Lash and Urry (87)
Disorganized capitalism in modern societies undermines the power of the nation economy. Cheaper labour in the underdeveloped world so big companies move their leading to exploitation and poverty in the third world.
Robins (91)
Believes some companies will look to exploit local cultures and identities instead of just eradicating them - agree with Lash and Urry.
Van der Pijl (89)
Globalization brings about global class struggle. TNC companies exploit the transnational working class.
Sturmer (93)
Globalization can be positive - helps to spread recognition of the problems in the world, mobilizing the masses to protest.
Suggests that whenever there is enough support to make an issue there will be, and this is what leads to GSMs
Hall (92)
Due to immigration, this leads to pluralization of nation identities and cultures, as Britain is often seen as multicultural.
Believes that globalization is leading to a mass global culture - there will no longer be multicultural societies, everyone will just share the same culture.
Hall (92) Three scenarios
Three scenarios on the effect of globalization: cultural homogenization , cultural resistance and the emergence of ‘new identities of hybridity’ - encouraging of circulation of cultural elements and images that allow local communities to create new ‘hybrid’ identities.