Explanation 2 - Normative Social influence Flashcards
What is the brief explanation of Normative Social Influence?
Conforming to be liked.
When an individual conforms …
to fit in because we don’t want to appear foolish or be left out.
What is the motivation?
To be accepted by others and to be liked and respected by them.
What is one way to gain acceptance?
To agree with them.
What does it not mean if conformity has occurred due to Normative Social influence?
That the individual agrees with the four, even though they go along with the behaviour or show the same belief.
Will the opinion be temporary or permanent?
What does it depend on?
The groups presence.
When is conformity due to Normative Social influence most likely to occur?
In an unambiguous situation when there is need for acceptance.
What type of conformity does this lead to?
Compliance - Public acceptance but not private acceptance.