Experimental Methods Flashcards
what is a laboratory experiment
- an enxperiment conducted in a controlled environment, where the IV is manipulated to see its effec of the DV, and extraneous variables are controlled
2 strengths of a lb experiment
- easier to control potential extraneous variables so can have high precision and cause and effect can be established in variables controlled
- if well carried out, and clearly reported then can be easily repeated by other researchers and if same or similar results obtained, confidenced increased
2 limitations of lab experiments
- loss of ecological validity as the highly controlled environment can mae experiment artificial so results may not be generalisable to outside world/irl situations
- participants may show DCs as aware they are participating in an experiment - this can reduce the validity
what is a field experiment?
an experiment that takes place in a natural setting where the research manipulates the IV to investigate its effect on the DV
2 strengths of a field experiment
- higher ecological validity as enviroment is natural so may produce more valid and authentic behaviour
- reduction of DCs as participants usually unaware of their participation
2 weaknesses of a field experiment
- difficult to control EVs outside lab setting so cause and effect may be harder to establish and precise replication often not possible
- if participants unaware of study, cannot give informed consent so research may be an invasion of privacy so therefore there are ethical issues
what is a natural experiment?
an experiment where the IV is not manipulated (naturally occuring) and the researcher records its effects on the DV
may occur in a lab
2 strengths of a natural experiment?
- sensitive issues can be studied, where the IV cannot ethically be manipulated
- has high external validity as usually involve study of real life issues as they happen so are more realistic
2 weaknesses of natural experiments
- IV not manipulated so less degree of control of IV and extraneous variables, so cause and effect cnnot easily be established
- IV is naturally occurring so may only occur rarely, reducing available opputtunities for research
what is a quasi-experiment?
a study that is almost an exeriment, but lacks key features
IV is not determined by anyone and variables just exist
2 strengths of a quasi-experiment
- often under controlled conditions so have control of EVs and are repicable
- allows comparison between different types of people
weakness of quasi-experiments
cannot randomly allocate participants to conditions as allocated based on “self-selection” therefore may be confounding variables