Exercises Flashcards
Squat - mains, supplementals, accessories
M - safety bar squat, barbell front squat, barbell back squat, backpach front squat.
S - pause/tempo squat, goblet squat, incline leg press
A - barbell hip thrusts, hack squat, leg press, split squat, leg extensions, good mornings
Hinge - mains, supplementals, accessories
M - trap bar dl, barbell conventional dl, barbell sumo dl, backpack dl
S - pause/tempo dl, deficit dl
A - barbell hip thrust, seated leg curl, kettlebell swings, lat pulldown, seated good mornings
Lunge - mains, supplementals, accessories
M - barbell reverse lunge, barbell split squat, safety bar lunge, backpack split squat
S - pause/tempo split squat, front foot elevated split squat, bulgarians
A - split squat, step-ups, leg extensions, lateral lunge
Vertical Push - mains, supplementals, accessories
M - barbell overhead press, high-incline barbell press, pike push-up
S - landine press, z-press, dumbbell overhead press
A - Arnol press, lateral raises, front raises, machine shoulder press, tricep cable push downs, machine tricep extensions
Horizontal Push - mains, supplementals, accessories
M - barbell bench press, weighted dips, banded/weighted push ups
S - incline barbell bench press, barbell floor press, dumbbell incline bench press
A - machine chest fly, push-up, dumbbell chest fly, cable chest press
Pull - mains, supplementals, accessories
M - chin/pull up, barbell bent-over row, landmine row
S - band assisted chin/pull up, pendlay row, t-bar row
A - seated cable row, dumbbell bench SA row, machine row, lat pull-down, chest supported dumbbell row, bicep curl variations
Shoulder Stability exercises
YTWs, band joint concentration, shoulder PAILS/RAILS
Shoulder Mobility Exercises
Shoulder controlled articular rotation, cable external rotator
Hip Stability exercises
Walking lunges, SA rdl, banded squat, hip PAILS
Hip Mobility exercises
90-90, low lunge w rotation, pigeon stretch
Ankle Mobility exercises
Banded tlaus
Progression and regression graph
p. 291
What is the ideal rep range for:
- strength and power
- hypertrophy
- muscular endurance
- S+P: 2-6
- H: 8-12
- M-E: 14+