Exercise physiology Flashcards
How many calories do men an women have to have a day ?
2,550 per day ( men )
1,940 per day ( women )
What does a balanced diet contain ?
55 % Carbs
15 % protein
30 % fats
What are carbohydrates ?
Sugars and starches stored in the body as glycogen and converted to fuel energy productions
fuels 75 % of energy requirements
Glycogen ?
Provide aerobic and anaerobic energy production
Marathon runners and long distance athletes
Protein ?
Biological catalysts which increases chemical reactions
Repair muscle cells and tissues and make haemoglobin
broken down into energy aerobically if no energy available
Fats ?
Energy production
Insulate nerves and provide energy storage
broken down into aerobic energy and twice the yield of carbohydrates
Saturated fats ?
type of molecule typically solid found in animal production
Should be limited to reduce cardio vascular disease
unsaturated fats ?
Type of molecule which is often liquid
boosts oxygen delivery , improving endurance and recovery
minerals ?
improves bodily functions
helps bone and tooth health , controlling bodily fluids , breaking down and releasing energy
Vital essential organic nutrients required in small quantities to maintain body functions
Fibre ?
Reduces cholesterol , risk of diabetes and obesity
Water ?
Two thirds of the body weight an to allow chemical reactions and dissolve more substances
Dehydration could lead to decreased plasma volume , stroke volume and increased heart rate and endurance will suffer
What is energy expenditure ?
The sum of basal metabolic rate , the thermic effect of food and the energy expended through physical activity
What is BMR ?
The minimum amount of energy required to sustain essential physiological function at rest
What aspects must be considered to understand individuals energy requirement ?
What is Thermic effect of food ?
The energy required to eat , digest and absorb an use food taken in
What is physical activity energy expenditure ?
The total number of calories required to perform daily tasks
Metabolic equivalent value ?
The ratio of a performers working metabolic rate to their resting metabolic rate
What is energy balance ?
the relationship between energy intake and energy expenditure
If energy intake matches energy expenditure , weight maintained
If energy intake is greater than energy expenditure , weight will be gained
If energy intake is less than energy expenditure the weight will be lost
What are ergogenic aids ?
a substance , object or method used to improve or enhance performance
What are phrenological aids ?
a group of ergogenic aids to increase the levels of hormones or neural transmitters naturally produced by the body
Anabolic steroids ?
A group of illegal synthetic hormones resembling testosterone to promote protein synthesis for muscle growth , recovery and repair
Sprinters and explosive players use the drugs
Negatives of anabolic steroids ?
testes shrink sperm count decease hair loss breast tissue development heart failure acne
Naturally produced hormone responsible for the production of red blood cells.
Increases oxygen delivery transport , aerobic capacity
Haemoglobin count increase , intensity and duration
Long distance performers
Difficult to detect
Negatives of EPO ?
Decrease cardiac output
risk of blood clots
heart failure
Viscosity of blood
Human growth hormone ?
synthetic product copying natural growth hormone , to increase protein synthesis for muscle growth , recovery and repair
Mass and strength
increased metabolism
Increased glucose levels
Explosive based power athletes
Risks of Human growth hormone ?
Abnormal bone and muscle development
enlargement of vital organs
increase risk of cancer
Intermittent hypoxic training ?
Where the performers live at sea level but train under hypoxic
Increased adaption of environment Increase red blood cells haemoglobin count increase Increase mitochondria increase intensity
Risks of IHT ?
Any benefit lost May lose motivation hard to reach normal rates decrease immune function Dehydration
Cooling aids ?
A range of products to reduce core temperatures
Reduce swelling , dehydration, cramp , dizziness
ICE baths ?
speed up recovery
The ice baths constrict the blood vessels constrict , removing waste and lactic acid from the muscle tissue
Reduce core body temp
decrease sweating
decrease injury pain
increase speed of recovery
Risks of Ice bath ?
Ice burns and pain
Chest pain
complicate injury
Glycogen / carbohydrate loading ?
The manipulation of carbohydrate intake in the week before competition to maximise stores of glycogen
Benefits of glycogen loading and carbohydrate loading ?
Increased glycogen stores
increased endurance capacity
Delays fatigue
Increased time to exhaustion by up to 30 %
Risks of glycogen loading and carb loading ?
poor recovery rates
Gastrointestinal problems
Increased risk of injury
What happens to performers when the performer was hydrated ?
Decreased heart rate
increased blood viscosity
increased heart regulation
increased fatigue
loss of electrolytes causes fatigue and cramp
What is hypotonic solutions ?
Drinks which contain a lower concentration of glucose than the blood stream
Replaces fluids sweating while providing small amounts of glucose for energy production
What are isotonic solutions ?
Drinks which contain equal concentrations of glucose to the blood stream , resupply glucose production
What are Hypertonic solutions ?
Drinks which contain higher concentration of glucose than the blood stream. Absorbed at a slower rate than water