Exercise For CVD Flashcards
T/F MI targets people 25 years and up regardless of gender
GOALS of Cardiac Rehab
- Enable pts to resume active and productive lives within imposed limitations
- Restoring optimal physiologic, psychosocial and vocational status
- Prevent progression or reversal of disease
- Reduction of risk of SD and reinfarction
- Alleviation of sx
- Pts responsible and autonomous for med tx and lifestyle changes
T/F getting cardiac rehab doesnt mean you are cured and wont have relapse.
True- vital for improvement and return to PFS
Is a patient with silent ischemia a good candidate for cardiac rehab?
Does PAD respond well to exercise?
What is risk stratification?
Change amt of stress working hour lifestyle diet
Cannot change gender fam hx, age
Phase 1 cardiac rehab
-ER visit, acute MI and in hospital for quick check, education and DC planning
Goal of phase 1 rehab?
GOAL: counteract deleterious Physio effects of bed rest and prevent “cardiac cripple” (pts afraid to do anything)
Phase 1 exercise
Low level- PROM and AROM and progress to walking and stairs
Phase II
Out -pt
3mo duration
Goal of Phase II
Increase fxnal and CV efficiency
Monitored by telemetry
Individualized ex prescription
Phase III
Goal of phase III
Decrease supervision of ex program and promote self regulation
No telemetry- monitor by HR
Phase IV
Maintain lifestyle changes
It is better to have an MI when youre older than younger
True- you have more collaterals
How much does your VO2max go up normally?
20% in 3 mo
What is RPP?
Rate pressure product measure of stress put on cardiac muscle based on number of times it needs to beat per min (HR) and ABP that is pumping against SBP
TF: percuntaneous coronary intervention has same effects as excessive and diet
False- ex and diet are superior
What is contraindicated for cardiac rehab?
Slide 15
TF. Unresolved CHF pts can be exercised
RHR>100 can be exercised
TF Pulm HTN cannot be exercised
TF mod-severe aortic stenosis CANNOT be exercised
False- this is a pxn
TF Hg below 7 can be exercised
Check with MD
Phase 1 early mob ex prescription
Eval - cleared by MD -contraind to phase I Freq -5-7 days per week Duration -15min BID Intensity -20 BAR for MI -30 BAR for CABG Term, go home and walk
Phase II-III ex prescription
Cardiac stress test -20-30 BAAR if no stress test Labs -SMA -lipid -CBC (hemoglobin) -electrolytes (K,Ca) PFT if pulm Freq- 3-5/week Duration- 20-45 min aerobic
Intensity for phase II and III
Start at 65% for phase 2, increase by 5% every month
75% for phase III up to 80%
If they never went , 20-30 BAR
Intermittent training you should monitor ischemic signs during
Rest periods
TF use both arm and leg modalities alternating to achieve higher intensity and less fatigue
What does a stress test detect
Ischemic heart disease in healthy ppl
In a stress test, diastolic should remain the same for all durations and systolic goes up with increased durations