CP EXAM Flashcards
For a CF pt what do you want to rule out?
RA, osteoporosis, lover DM related CF
Exam HR- tell me everything
Apical with steth
Always done with someone with a fib
NORM- 60-90 bpm
Sinus tach >100 normal in athletes, beta blockers
Most accurate is auscultation at cardiac apex (apical pulse)
HR & pulse rate should be
Unless you have a fib or dysrhythmias
Measurement of apical HR?
Pulse deficit is Diff between HR and pulse rate
Indicates some heart beats have not caused sufficient blood flow to reach periphery
Common in a fib and other dysrhythmias
What’s the HR range for newborn?
1 yr HR
3 yr HR
Dorsalis pedis- check both feet
Rating scale of pulse
4+ bounding (just finished ex) 3+ increased 2+ brisk, normal 1+ diminished weaker, SV not as efficient, more threads 0 absent
cuffs that are too short or narrow …
Gives falsely high readings
BP should be taken in each arm during IE
How manymmHg will show arterial compression/obstruction? Which side?
10-15, on side with lower BP
What indicates orthostatic hypotension?
Fall of SBP or DBP of 10+mmHg accompanied with increasing HR by 10-20bpm (5 min)
What level should the arm be?
Just above waist level if seated
Standing- arm is supported mid chest
What is a medical emergency BP?
At resting 200/110
No BP or extremely low with lack of mentation or unconsciousness
When is activity contraindicated for BP?
SBP >200 or <80
DBP >100
TERMINATE is > 250/110
What’s the range forpulse pressure
Does PP increase or decrease with age
What is abn PP and can be predictive of what
> 60 in adults, CHF
Low is a marker of low Q with heart failure
Increased PP indicates what
Vascular wall stiffness and predicts CV events (HF in HTN disease)
Aortic valve disorders, severe anemia and overactive thyroid
What are better predictors of mortality than PP
What lung sound would you hear for a pt with CHF
Adventitious crackles- fluid in alveoli
Heard during insp
What’s a wheeze
Airway obstruction/constriction
Heard during exhalation
What is the normal vent rate
12-16 bpm
Tachypnea is
Rate higher than 20 bpm
Bradypnea is
Rate lower than 10 bpm
Dyspnea is
Pts subjective report of discomfort
SOB is actual sx.
Orthopnea is
Difficulty breathing while pt is SUPINE with easing of breathing with a more vertical position
What does ACSM recommend?
Not performing endurance test if vent is more than 45 bpm
What does a fine tremor often associated with
High dose bronchodilators
Warm and sweaty hands with irregular flapping tremor
Acute CO2 retention
Hands- weakness and wasting is sx of
Upper love tumor -brachial plexus (pancoasts tumor)
Palmar erythema
Liver disease
Chronic tissue hypoxia
Cause by lung disease (infective, fibrotic, malignant)
Cardiac (congenital bacterial
Other (familial, cirrhosis, GI)
Red-blood (tumor) Rust- pneumonia Purple-neoplasm Yellow/green-infection Pink-pulmonary edema
What are the two types of cough
What should you look for in a cough
Smell consistency amount
Only clears 6/7th generation up*
T/F you can open dressing to inspect wound
Graphs can be taken from
Radial (female)
Saphenous (men)
L int mammary artery (Female)
Cyclic waxing and waning of depth of breathing with periods of apnea- seen in severe CNS lesions
-goes into shallow breathing and then stops breathing
Continuous hyperventilation, increased rate and depth of breathing to eliminate CO2 Diabetic ketoacidosis (med emergency)
When looking for breathing efficiency, what are you looking for
Diaphragm movement - 2-3in with deep inspiration
When palpating the trachea, when do deviations occur toward side of lesion?
Loss of lung volume on one side
Atelectasis, fibrosis, surgical excision of lung tissue
Palp- when do deviations occur away from side of abn?
Increase in lung vol
-pneumothorax, pleural effusion, herniation of ab viscera
Pectus excavatum
Funnel chest- (SHANE)
What is BADCAT?
Breathing audible Active accessory muscles Dyspnea Cyanosis or clubbing A-P diameter >= 1.0 Tracheal deviation
These are alarming resp signs