Exercise And Appetite Flashcards
Is exercise an effective weight loss strategy?
Most people think so
Do people get discouraged from exercising, why
Yes because its hard to lose weight with exercise
What’s the formula for weight maintainence?
Balance between energy intake and expenditure
Does exercise lead to weight loss - diet only vs exercise only intervention in 52 men with obesity - 700 intake vs expenditure
Improved body weight with both - you lose a bit more of total fat with exercise
Does exercise lead to weight loss - 201 obese women in 4 gps - vig int/high duration, mod int/mod duration, mod int/high duration, vig intensity/mod duration - 1200-1500 kcal 2 yr follow up - 2 findings
No significant in weight loss between gps
Retrospective grouping of PA greater than 275 min/wk with diet was associated with weight loss maintenance of >10%
Does exercise lead to weight loss - age 18-55 278 adults in gps of self-help, mod PA (150 min/wk), high PA (300min/wk) for 18 months. - 2 findings
0.7% reduction of weight in self help, 0.9 with mod PA, and 1.2 with high PA
PA greater than 225 min/wk associated with greater weight gain ~1.5kg over 18 months
Does exercise lead to weight loss - 202 men and women (45-75 yrs) randomized to control vs 60 min of mod-vig aerobic PA/day 6x/wk for 12m. 2 Finding
1.6kg weight loss and total fat mass loss
Does increased PA lead to weight loss - 10 year prospective study with 4944 men and women, PA, body weight and waist circumference assessed at 0, 5, 10 years - findings?
PA increase from year 0-5, circumference gain was 0.56 cm lower and body weight gain was 0.59kg lower than people who did not increase PA by year 10 - thus they want health programs to promote PA
Does increased PA led to weight loss - prospective study over 85, 96 and 2007 - 2 findings
activity above the recommendations was associated with 1.8kg less weight gain over 11 years in women and 2,1 less in men
increased PA slows weight gain
Does increased PA lead to weight loss - prospective 20 year longitudinal study to see the association between habitual PA and BMI - 3554 men and women aged 18-30 - 3 findings
increased PA slows weight gian
men with high PA gained 2.6 kg less
women with high PA gained 6.1kg less
PA and weight in kids - School based PA inerventions
No beneficial effects on BMI
PA and weight in kids - longitudinal study of 212 kids from 5-8 to assess PA (accelerometer), BMI, and metabolic status (IR (insulin resistance), TAG, HDL, BP)
No impact on BMI, but improvements in metabolic health
Effects of PA on appetite/changes in gut hormones following exercise - 1
homeostatic changes
- relative to dietary energy restriction, exercise leads to acute increases in PYY and GLP-1 and reductions in ghrelin - associated with reduced subject appetite ratings
Why don’t we see the results of exercise - 3
it decreases metabolism and increases appetite
- we reward ourselves after going to the gym
7 potential mechanisms of altered gut hormone secretion
blood redistribution increased SNS activity altered gastrointestinal motility cytokine release - reacts with receptors same with FFA FFA concentrations lactate production changes in plasma glucose and insulin
considerations of gut hormone alteration from exercise (3)
acute vs chronic effects
low vs high intensity activity
sex diff
compensators and non compensators of PA
compensators increase energy intake after exercise and show a preference fro high fat, and sweet foods
How are responses to exercise individualized?
Genetic factors - FTO gene - involved in the regulation of ghrelin, fat mass and obesity associated - first identified by Frayling et al in 2007
drugs that block the entry of sugar to the kidney - 90g/day
for every 1kg lost, 100kcal was added to their appetite
PA and appetite - 34 obese men with a 12 week exercise intervention - 500kcal expenditure 5 days a week - 2 findings
20 responders lost weight and 14 non responders
non responders had increased hedonic liking and wanting for high fat, sweetened foods after exercise
How is exercise more about calories in than calories out? (3)
reduced stress, anxiety and depression
improved mental health
increased sleep